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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322




God has given His church the privilege and responsibility to make disciples of all nations. The following pages provide the framework for Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Urbandale, Iowa to fulfill that responsibility.

The Purpose Statement, Mission Statement, Values Statement, and Vision Statement will guide for our congregation into the future. All ministry decisions will be tested against these statements to see if they are in line with who we are and where we are going as a congregation. Below is an explanation of each statement and on the following pages are the actual documents.

Purpose Statement

The purpose statement is a short concise phrase that captures why we exist as a congregation. Gloria Dei exists to bring Jesus Christ to people for the first time and a lifetime. All that we do as a congregation centers around being a conduit for God’s Holy Spirit to bring people to a saving relationship with Jesus and then help them further grow in their spiritual life.

Mission Statement

The Mission Statement further explains the Purpose Statement. It explains how we will go about accomplishing our purpose. We will hold onto to our Lutheran heritage and beliefs, strive to be effective in accomplishing our purpose, and will be innovative in conveying the message of salvation. We consider ourselves a mission center with the “ripe fields” that scripture talks of being right outside our doors as well as around the world.

Values Statement

The Values Statement defines how, or the manner in which, we do ministry at Gloria Dei. Values are the guiding principles that we live by and are unwilling to compromise. Grace and scripture are first, for without the grace of God and the scriptures to reveal that grace to us, we would be lost. The other values are listed with no priority assigned to them. Scripture references are listed for each value since we should only value those things which scripture puts a high value upon.

Vision Statement

The Vision Statement sets the course we will follow for the future. There are many directions that a congregation can go while working in God’s kingdom. The Vision Statement sets forth what we believe to be the direction God would have this congregation pursue. The Vision Statement is based upon the values of our congregation as well as the input that was received through a congregation survey, a study of our community and congregation, large group meetings, small group meetings, and hours of prayer. The acronym GRACE makes the statement memorable, while the statements connected to each of the five letters articulate the direction our congregation will take for the next 10 to 20 years. While it is true that Vision Statements are always kept in draft form, since you never know what opportunities God will provide, by and large they are kept intact. If the vision changed too often, our congregation will be left with no direction.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan outlines how we plan to begin accomplishing the vision. The Strategic Plan is intended to be in place for the next 3 to 5 years. The Strategic Plan is a guide for every ministry area of our congregation.

There are five goals articulated in the plan, and it will be the privilege of each member to help accomplish these goals. The goals of worship and involvement will drive the other three goals.

The goal of worshiping 1,500 by 2005 is intended to reach out to our community and to reactivate current members of Gloria Dei. On the one hand we will intentionally reach out to our community inviting them to make Gloria Dei their church home. On the other hand we will reach out to our own membership who have stopped or are infrequent in their worship attendance. Worship is central to the Strategic Plan of our congregation because in worship we are empowered to accomplish the work that God has laid before us. Fed through God’s word and sacrament, we mature in our faith and are equipped to work in His kingdom.

The goal of increased involvement is intended to double the amount of members who are involved in one regularly scheduled activity outside of worship. Involvement outside of worship makes our faith come alive, showing us that our spiritual life is more than just an hour a week. Involvement can be the study of God’s word, fellowship, or service of others.

The goal of outreach is to extend the kingdom of God both on a local and worldwide scale. We will spread the good news of Christ to our community, our county, our nation, and around the world. As individuals we will be equipped to invite our friends and neighbors into a relationship with Christ, give of our time and talents through mission trips, and give of our wealth in support of Gospel being shared with people around the world.

The goal of community is to be a beacon for our community with the word of God. We will actively look for ways that we can be not only in our community, but a part of our community. We will seek to discover and meet one of the needs of our community.

The goal of a leadership institute is to develop a lay leadership program for our church. Our vision is to be a training ground for both laity and professional church workers. A set of classes or seminars will equip men and women with skills to be excellent leaders in God’s church. In addition, our church will be a place where other congregations can come and learn.

The Strategic Plan is constantly under review. In this document you see the basic outline of the plan. Much work is still ahead as more detailed plans are made.

Goals and Action Plans

In addition to the statements you see printed in this document, every ministry area of our congregation has both three-year and one-year goals and action plans. In August of 2001, the ministry areas of Gloria Dei were invited to a day and a half long retreat to work on goals and action plans that would support the Strategic Plan. The goals can be viewed on our web site at Just click on Strategic Plan.

We will constantly be looking three years into the future with specific goals for the upcoming year. Annually the ministry areas of Gloria Dei will be invited to a retreat where goals from the past year will be reviewed and new goals for the coming year and coming three years will be established.


Bringing Jesus Christ to people for the first time and for a lifetime.


Gloria Dei, a Christ centered Lutheran church, as an effective and innovative mission center brings Jesus Christ to people for the first time and a lifetime.



We value the undeserved love God has for all people. Through His grace, we are brought to a saving relationship with Christ. God uses His word and sacraments to create, sustain, and empower our spiritual lives.
Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:17, Titus 3:5, Matthew 26:28


We value Holy Scripture. God’s word gives guidance, direction, and purpose to our lives. Our teaching and preaching is a clear, relevant, and authentic presentation of His word, as the one absolute truth in our world.
II Peter 1:20-21, II Timothy 3:16


We value people. All people really matter to Jesus and therefore matter to us. God gives us the great privilege of sharing His love, especially with those who do not know Him. Great rejoicing happens in heaven each time a person comes to faith.
Luke 15, Matthew 28:18-20


We value worship. Various styles of dynamic, relevant, and spirit-filled worship bring glory to God and edification to His people. Active participation, prayer, and music touch the heart of the worshiper with the love of God.
John 4:23-24, Psalm 98, Psalm 100

Spiritual Growth

We value spiritual growth. Educating children, youth, and adults with the word of God develops a strong and mature faith. Spiritual growth is a lifelong process that continually impacts how we live.
Ephesians 4:13,22-24, Acts 2:42, Ephesians 5:1-2


We value relationships. Strength, joy, and encouragement come from our community of faith. Through our relationships with fellow Christians, our faith is strengthened and our commitment is deepened.
I John 1:7, Acts 2:46


We value the resources God has given us individually and as a congregation. We are responsible stewards of our time, talent, possessions, and wealth, maximizing God’s gifts to further His kingdom on earth.
II Corinthians 8:20, II Corinthians 9:6-8,


We value teamwork. The priesthood of all believers is an integral part of the body of Christ, where every person has been called, empowered, and gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve Him in the church and in our personal lives.
I Corinthians 12, I Peter 2:9-10


We value excellence. Striving for excellence in all that we do brings honor to God. Excellence is not defined as perfection, but as doing our very best to our greatest potential.
Philippians 4:8-9, Colossians 3:23

Vision: G-R-A-C-E


Gloria Dei will be a place of tremendous growth. Through dynamic, relevant worship, excellent teaching, and the countless opportunities that come from an ever-growing congregation, people will grow in their

faith and commitment to God.


Gloria Dei will be a place that is relationship-centered. While enjoying the blessings of a large congregation, every person will develop personal relationships, lifelong friendships, and a sense of belonging through fellowship opportunities and small group ministry.

A Beacon to our community

Gloria Dei will be a beacon to our community. We will be a welcoming neighbor with genuine concern about the world in which we live. Our church will take an active role in community life and influence society with the true word of God.


Gloria Dei will be courageous in reaching out and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Members will have a passion for sharing their faith with those who make up their circles of influence at work, play, and home. Gloria Dei will be bold and innovative in sharing the message of salvation with people who are both near and far.


Gloria Dei will be an equipping center, a place where God’s relevant word is applied to daily life and leaders are trained. We will offer relevant instruction from God’s word to every age, helping them deal with the challenges of life. Through internships, mentoring relationships, and conferences we will be a training ground for current and future leaders in God’s kingdom.

Gloria Dei will be a growing, relationship-centered church, serving as a beacon to our community, courageous in sharing the love of God with all people and equipping them to deal with the challenges of life and become leaders in the kingdom of God.

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