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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of the May 10, 2005

Pastor Burcham opened the meeting with a prayer.

President Deb Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Craig Braget , Pastor Burcham, Deb Kesse, Doug Pals , Laurie Peterson , Dave Sengpiel , Faith Spark , Shawn Woolman , and Ken Wunsch . There were no visitors.

President Kesse requested the minutes from the April 12, 2005 meeting be approved. A request was made to add a notation that the Nominating Committee for the Governing Board was approved by the Governing Board on April 18, 2005 via email. Shawn Woolman made a motion to accept the minutes with the notation. Faith Spark seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The Board reviewed the Senior Pastor's Report dated May 10, 2005 . The following items were discussed:

•  The Tiny Treasures Preschool raised $200 on Cinnamon Roll Sunday.

•  The new Director of Youth Ministry, Tim Kightlinger, joined the staff on May 6, 2005 . He will work until the end of May and then return to California for approximately three weeks to relocate his family.

•  Kendal Meyer, the new Director of Adult Ministry/Associate Pastor will be installed on July 10, 2005 in the afternoon.

•  The search continues for a qualified individual to fill the Secretary for Family Life Ministry position.

•  The Congregational mailing will be May 20, 2005 and will include the proposed Constitution and Bylaws, an organizational chart, the Governing Board Policy Manual and the proposed budget.

•  With the addition of new staff there is a need to purchase a computer. A request was made to overspend budget line number 5655, Office Equipment by $2,000. Following discussion, President Kesse requested a motion to allow budget line item 5655 to be overspent by no more than $2,000. Craig Braget made the motion with a second by Shawn Woolman. The motion carried.

•  The Financial Report was reviewed. President Kesse requested the report be approved. Faith Spark made a motion to approve the report with a second by Craig Braget. The motion carried.

The Governing Board Nomination Committee consists of Missy Brush, Tom Westby, Donna Maasen, Shawn Woolman and Bruce Amendt. The Committee presented a list of eleven individuals who have agreed or expressed interest in running for the Governing Board. The Committee talked with a total of twenty-one individuals before finalizing the list. Biographies of the nominees will be in the Weekly Word for the Congregation to review the candidates. Additionally, the Weekly Word article will detail who is leaving the Board and as well as who will continue serving their terms. After discussion, a motion was made by Doug Pals to approve the list as presented by the Nominating Committee. Dave Sengpiel seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Each Board Member was asked to review the Policies governing the church prior to the meeting. President Kesse provided a list of three items that were brought to her attention during the review. Each of these items was thoroughly discussed and a decision was made as to whether a change would be made or not.

•  Section utilized the word visionary to describe candidates for the Governing Board. There are many definitions for the word visionary, but after much discussion it was decided to leave the wording with no amendments.

•  Section defines restrictions placed on Board members and candidates such that they can not be relatives of current staff. It was proposed to change the wording to be the same as that stated in the proposed Constitutional By-Laws. This would state Board members to not be relatives of current staff and current Board members. A motion was made by Doug Pals to approve the wording change with a second from Ken Wunsch. The motion carried.

•  Section 2.6 was discussed in general. This section discussed the nomination process for the Governing Board. After much discussion it was decided to create a process for preparing individuals who are interested in serving on the Governing Board. This will be discussed in depth following election of the new members.

President Kesse provided the survey to be completed for the Annual Governing Board Self Review. After discussion it was determined that the review be completed by May 27, 2005 and submitted anonymously to Pennie Doss.

The 2005/2006 Budget was reviewed and discussed.

A Discovery 201 class will be held on June 12, 2005 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm . President Kesse requested two volunteers from the Board to attend.


•  The Budget, Constitution and By-Laws will be mailed to the Congregation by May 20, 2005 .

•  A Congregation Meeting will be held June 5, 2005 at 1:00pm to review the Budget.

•  The Governing Board Meeting for June has been moved from the 14 th to the 7 th .

•  The Annual Voter's Assembly Meeting will be held June 12, 2005 at 1:00pm .

A motion was made by Faith Spark to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm . Ken Wunsch seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned with recitation of the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Laurie E. Peterson, Recording Secretary.

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