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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of the February 8, 2005

Pastor Burcham opened the meeting with a prayer.

Vice President Dave Sengpiel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Craig Braget, Pastor Burcham, Lou Grotheer, Doug Pals, Laurie Peterson, Dave Sengpiel, Faith Spark, Shawn Woolman, and Ken Wunsch. There were no visitors.

Vice President Sengpiel requested the minutes from the January 25, 2005 meeting be approved. Two corrections were noted. Shawn Woolman made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections. Doug Pals seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The Board reviewed the Senior Pastor's Report dated February 8, 2005 . The following items were discussed:

•  The results of the worship survey indicated the 9:30am service will be blended beginning the first Sunday in February. The 8:00am worship service will continue to be traditional, but will include the liturgy of the hymnals more frequently.

•  There will be two services offered on Good Friday. There will be four worship services offered on Easter Sunday. The increase in the number of worship services is due to increased attendance.

•  The Mid-Winter's Night Ball was a tremendous success with many youth involved. There were approximately 24 couples.

•  The number of stewardship pledges and tithing has increased from 2004.

•  A new organizational chart was presented. The structure placed responsibilities with the appropriate staff members as well as created efficiencies. The Business Manager position will utilize no more than 20 hours per week. Payroll will be handled by an outside firm. Pennie Doss will become a full time Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor and perform many of the office manager functions previously done by the Business Manager. Two part time (no more than 20 hours per week) administrative assistants will be hired. One for Christian Growth and one for Congregational Care. These individuals will also act as receptionists. Doug Pals made a motion to approve the new organizational structure as well as the increase in budget associated with the changes. Shawn Woolman seconded the motion. The motion carried.

•  June will mark the 40 th Anniversary of Gloria Dei. A task force will be formed to plan a celebration to recognize this milestone. Also, a Ministry Action Team will be formed to create a 10 Year Strategic Plan.

The Policy Manual has undergone final review and revision. Vice President Sengpiel requested a motion to approve the Policy Manual. Faith Spark made the motion for approval, which was seconded by Shawn Woolman. The motion carried.

President Deb Kesse will present the updates to the Constitution at the March meeting.

The next order of business was the appointment of the call committee. The elected Board of Elders representatives are Gary Wasko and Bruce Bjurstrom. After discussion a motion was made by Ken Wunsch to approve the following individuals as outside representatives: Kevin Kelley, Marsha Fries, Marv Rohn, Julie Kammeyer, and Dean Kleckner. Shawn Woolman seconded the motion. The motion carried. Deb Kesse was nominated to serve as a representative from the Governing Board. Doug Pals made a motion to approve the nomination. Faith Spark seconded the motion. The motion carried. Shawn Woolman was nominated to be the second representative from the Governing Board. Craig Braget made a motion to approve the nomination. Faith Spark seconded the motion. The motion carried. These individuals represent the Call Committee selected to provide a recommendation to the congregation for the new Associate Pastor.

New Business:

•  Pastor Burcham indicated two new small projectors are being purchased with money provided by a funeral home and funds being matched by the District. Additionally, $200 was used from the Discretionary Fund.

•  It has been requested by members that a clock be placed in the Narthex.

•  A Discovery 201 class will be held February 13, 2005 .

A motion was made by Ken Wunsch to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Doug Pals seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned with recitation of the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Laurie E. Peterson, Recording Secretary.

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