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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of the September 14, 2004

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board

President Deb Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Craig Braget, Pastor Burcham, Deb Kesse, Doug Pals, Laurie Peterson, Dave Sengpiel, Faith Spark, Shawn Woolman, and Ken Wunsch. There were no visitors.

President Kesse requested the minutes from the August 10, 2004 meeting be approved. Four corrections were identified. Shawn Woolman made a motion to accept the amended minutes with a second from Craig Braget. The motion carried.

The next order of business was a presentation of the Financial Report for August 2004, submitted by Business Manager, Charlotte Nutter. It was noted that the organ has been paid in full by the generosity of an anonymous donor and will no longer be present on the Financial Report. President Deb Kesse requested the Financial Report be approved. Craig Braget made a motion to approve the report. Faith Spark seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The Board reviewed the Senior Pastor's Report dated September 14, 2004. A Discovery 201 class will be held this month. Craig Braget and Deb Kesse volunteered to represent the Board.

The Parking Lot Project is underway. It was determined it would save $11,000 if we used an external timing box to control the lights. And the curb on the circle drive cost more than anticipated. Thrivent Giving will provide $800 towards the project. The landscaping and fence are yet to be completed. Volunteers will do the landscaping.

The roof repair is completed and was under budget by $10,600. This project has also been paid in full.

The multimedia installation is not going as smoothly as hoped. Pratt has been non-responsive to our issues. The back projector has been installed and the equipment has arrived. The screens were rolled backwards and will need to be re-rolled. The shades will be installed in October.

The Outdoor Signage has been ordered and 50% has been paid. This does not include the electrical work.

The Pre-School is moving forward for the September 2005 opening. The Fire Marshall has indicated the new wing and the classrooms will be able to be utilized without the installation of sprinklers.

Gloria Dei will again be hosting the Iowa District West's Pastor's Conference on September 27 and 28, 2004.

Rhonda Mueller has resigned her position of Associate Director of Children's Ministry effective September 30, 2004. DeAnn Haas McCue will pursue her replacement.

Pastor Burcham requested the $1,443.66 in the National Gathering 2004 budget line item be moved to the Pastors Discretionary line item. This money would no longer be need for the National Gathering. President Deb Kesse requested a motion for the money to be transferred. Dave Sengpiel made a motion and Shawn Woolman seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Old Business: The 2004 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Outcomes (Goals) were finalized following initial discussions held during a retreat. The Outcomes are as follows:

•  Communicate Biblical Truths in a relevant manner.

•  Enhance the branding of Gloria Dei throughout the community and the congregation.

•  Ensure Gloria Dei ministries and activities are easy to get involved in, attractive to a wide variety of people and relevant to day-to-day lives.

•  Expand the percentage of people that are involved.

New Business: Pastor Burcham requested the Board discuss a Solicitation Policy. The policy was discussed and it was determined that solicitation efforts should be sponsored by Christ Care Groups or Women's Circles or other ministry programs as service projects. President Deb Kesse requested the Solicitation Policy be approved. Doug Pals made a motion to approve the policy. Ken Wunsch seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The new benefits information was discussed. It was determined the Executive Committee would meet and make a recommendation to the Board. It would then be determined via e-mail whether the entire Board would need to meet and discuss. The decision needs to be made by October 8, 2004.

Another Hoyer Scholarship was granted. The recipient was a non-member.

As a result of the Convention recently held, two Constitutional Amendments will require a congregation vote. The vote needs to be completed by February 16, 2005. The Board will create a plan to execute the vote in a timely manner.

President Deb Kesse presented the results of the Communication Committee. The focus of the Communication Committee is to enhance communication between the Board and the Congregation. It was agreed the pictures of new Board members should be hung in the Narthex. Also, it was decided the Board would have colored nametags similar to the Elders, but a different color.

A motion was made by Faith Spark to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Dave Sengpiel seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned with recitation of the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Laurie E. Peterson, Recording Secretary.

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