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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of the October 12, 2004

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board

President Deb Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Craig Braget , Pastor Burcham, Lou Grotheer, Deb Kesse , Doug Pals, Laurie Peterson, Dave Sengpiel, Faith Spark, Shawn Woolman , and Ken Wunsch. There were no visitors.

President Kesse requested the minutes from the September 14, 2004 meeting be approved. Dave Sengpiel made a motion to accept the minutes with a second from Shawn Woolman . The motion carried.

Pastor Burcham opened the meeting with a devotional thought based on Joshua 1: 6-9. The passages were about “God giving Jeremiah encouragement.”

The Board reviewed the Senior Pastor's Report dated October 12, 2004 . Attendance continues to be blessed as numbers continue to be up. A portion of the Director of Worship Report was included and reviewed.

The Ministry Expansion Projects will be slightly under budget. A few notable highlights:

•  The lights for the parking lot will be delivered and installed in November. The possibility of adding parking lot attendants was discussed to expedite the movement of traffic. The landscaping is scheduled to occur in November and will be installed by volunteers from the congregation.

•  There has been discussion from the congregation regarding the Choir, etc. looking at the screen in the back of the sanctuary versus the congregation. Pastor Burcham will discuss with Mr. Steve Kohtz , Director of Worship.

•  The Pre-School continues to move forward with a target of opening in September 2005. A site plan was submitted to the city for the playground location. The Pre-School was able to obtain the required variance from the city.

Confirmation class is going very well. There has been an addition of 15 young adults since the class started with eight being unchurched. There are two Masters of Ceremony and the class comprises weekly quizzes.

There will be a Large Church Replication meeting in January 2005 in St. Louis . Pastor Burcham will be attending. The purpose is to discuss planting large churches.

The Constitution for Gloria Dei was discussed. A committee will be formed to review and revisions will begin in January 2005. The committee should at a minimum consist of past and present Board Members. The goal is to present the document to the congregation and approve at the Annual Voters Meeting in June.

The next order of business was the Financial Report for September 2004, submitted by Business Manager, Charlotte Nutter . It was requested the Governing Board approve a policy stating, “Tiny Treasures Lutheran Preschool admits students of any race, color, and national ethnic origin.” Faith Spark made a motion to approve the policy as stated. The motion was seconded by Craig Braget . The motion carried. There was discussion regarding approval of a Benevolence Policy. This policy would need approval by the congregation. The discussion was tabled until the Constitutional By-Laws Meeting and would be presented at the Annual Voters Meeting. President Deb Kesse requested the Financial Report be approved. Craig Braget made a motion to approve the report. Dave Sengpiel seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Old Business:

•  The discussion regarding Paid Time Off (PTO) was tabled until next month.

•  The Communication Sub-Group reported their progress. The pictures in the Narthex have been updated. The pictures will be added to the website page for the Governing Board. Also, it was determined that an email address for the Governing Board will be added to the web page. The Governing Board will get colored nametags (green), similar to those of the Elders.

New Business: The Board discussed the Senior Pastor Goals. The goals were descriptive breakouts of how he intends to achieve the Outcomes reported in the previous month's minutes.

The Executive Committee presented the benefits package the staff would receive for the period of January 1, to December 31, 2005. President Deb Kesse requested the benefits package be approved. Dave Sengpiel made a motion to approve. Doug Pals seconded the motion. The motion carried.

A Discovery 201 class will be held November 21, 2004 from 3pm to 7pm . It was requested that Board Members determine if they could attend and report back in November.

The review of the Policy Manual will be done by email as long as it is effective.

Craig Braget resigned his position of Vice President for personal reasons. He will continue as a Board Member. Dave Sengpiel was nominated to fill the Vice President position. Laurie Peterson made a motion to approve the nomination. The nomination was seconded by Faith Spark. The motion carried

A motion was made by Shawn Woolman to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Ken Wunsch seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned with recitation of the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Laurie E. Peterson, Recording Secretary.

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