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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of May 11, 2004

President Dave Sengpiel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Dan Snyder, Norm Rinderknecht, Shawn Woolman, Faith Spark, Lou Grotheer, Pastor Burcham, Deb Kesse, Dave Sengpiel, and Ken Wunsch. There were no visitors.

Pastor Burcham opened with a prayer. Dave Sengpiel requested that the minutes of the April 15, 2004 board meeting be read and approved. It was moved by Shawn Woolman and seconded by Norm Rinderknecht that the minutes be approved. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham presented the Senior Pastor's Report to the board. The average attendance for 2004 is 864. Adult education has been averaging 30 on Sunday mornings and 6 on Wednesday evenings. It is our hope that more adults will become involved as other Bible Studies are offered. ChristCare Ministry has set new goals to expand their small group ministries. They will train at least 16 leaders to lead small groups, increase ChristCare Group participation, and offer better and more relevant support for the 20 leaders. The Youth Ministry is averaging 31 in Jr. High and 25 in Sr. High at Sunday morning Bible Studies. There were 38 youth and 4 adults that attended the Junior High Gathering in St. Paul. Confirmation Sunday with services offered in the Sanctuary and Family Life Center went very well. The total attendance for all of Confirmation Sunday services was 1,132. Pastor Burcham continues to work with the Architect concerning the expansion of the parking lot. A preliminary plan has been drawn up that will add 100 parking spaces on the west end of the property and handicap/visitor parking off the circle drive. After all the proper steps have been completed, it is hoped that the project will be started in August or September of 2004. Steve Kohtz continues to work on receiving an accurate cost to upgrade our Sanctuary with multimedia. A proposal for these projects as well as the budget for 2004-2005 will be mailed to the congregation on May 31. The Budget Meeting will be June 6, 2004 at 6 p.m. and the Voters Meeting will be June 13, 2004 at 6 p.m.

Deb Kesse and Shawn Woolman are working on the Governing Board Policy manual with Pastor Burcham. Once a first draft is completed, they will present it to the Governing Board for review and approval.

Pastor Burcham requested that a Housing Compensation Resolution for Pastor Timothy Phillips be approved. The resolution states: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, as a standing resolution to remain in force and effect until such time as amended or revoked, hereby authorizes and establishes a housing allowance for Rev. Timothy Phillips in the amount of $20,000 per year. The Board of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church affirms that Timothy Phillips is compensated by the church exclusively for services as a minister of the gospel and that the church does not provide a parsonage for him. A motion to approve the resolution was made by Dan Snyder and seconded by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham reported that to cover the costs associated with the architect fees and Pastor Timothy Phillips tuition for his last year at PLI we will need board approval to increase the facilities and Elders budget line items. Dave Sengpiel made a motion to increase the facilities line by $8,000 for the architect and the Elders line by $4,000 for Pastor Phillips to go to PLI. Motion seconded by Deb Kesse. Motion carried.

Offerings have increased 11.2% from a year ago! Praise God.

With the absence of our treasurer, Craig Braget, we will discuss the budget again at the May 18, Governing Board Meeting at 7 p.m.

New Business: The Discovery 201 meeting will be May 23, 2004 from 3 to 7 p.m.

Deb Kesse informed the board that the nominating committee for new board members consists of two Governing Board members, Deb Kesse and Craig Braget and two at large members, Dwight Carlson and Tom Westby.

With no further items to discuss, Dan Snyder made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Faith Spark. The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m. after reciting the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Faith Spark, recording secretary.

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