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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of March 9, 2004

President Dave Sengpiel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Craig Braget, Dan Snyder, Shawn Woolman, Dave Sengpiel, Norm Rinderknecht, Deb Kesse, Lou Grotheer, Ken Wunsch, Faith Spark, and Pastor Burcham. DeAnn McCue was the invited staff member this month. There were no visitors.

DeAnn McCue began the meeting with a reading from "An Intimate Devotion with Peter" concerning his denial of Jesus and Jesus' love for Peter and all of us.

Dave Sengpiel requested that the minutes of the February 10, 2004 board meeting be read and approved with minor changes. It was moved by Shawn Woolman and seconded by Norm Rinderknecht. Motion carried.

Director of Christian Growth, DeAnn McCue, informed us that "Luke on Line" would be ready to launch soon. The District Office informed DeAnn that they were pleased with our Adult Ministry. She presented a proposal for a Gloria Dei Preschool hoping to open in the fall. The Board indicated that the proposal would be undertaken for review as part of the 2005 budget planning meetings.

Pastor Burcham commented on what a wonderful and informational retreat the Governing Board had with Pastor John Kieschnick of Gloria Dei - Houston. Ron indicated that Gloria Dei - Urbandale, adopted a similar format to Gloria Dei - Houston when we shifted to a Governing Board format. The ministry boards of the congregation were replaced by Ministry Action Teams that are teams of dedicated people lead by a staff member, focused on accomplishing one specific area of ministry at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. As a follow up to the retreat, continued review of the role of the Governing Board will be undertaken during the budget review process that begins in May. Pastor Burcham reported that worship attendance is continuing to increase. Pastor Burcham presented the membership changes and a motion to accept these changes was made by Craig Braget and seconded by Ken Wunsch. Motion carried.

Treasurer, Craig Braget, informed the Board of the Finance Committees on-going review of financial procedures at Gloria Dei. The committee is confident that solid financial controls are in place. Craig further informed the board that giving continues to increase and the staff continues to do a good job of keeping expenses down. Craig indicated that because of the current financial strength of the church, we were able to make an additional principal payment on the building mortgage. A motion was made by Deb Kesse to approve the balance sheet and income statement presented. Seconded by Norm Rinderknecht. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham indicated a desire to have the Board begin considering a number of renovation projects for the church property as part of the upcoming budget process. The parking lot is of primary concern both from a size as well as from a deterioration perspective. The Board advised Ron to contact the architects who designed the new classroom wing during the last renovation and begin the process to develop a proposal for the Board, for subsequent congregation approval at the Voters budget meeting in held in June. Ron would also propose to present to the Board and congregation a plan to expand the multi-media capabilities in the sanctuary. The Board agreed and requested a proposal to be completed in time to be included in the budget review process.

Old Business: The constitution is still being looked over by Pastor Sieveking. There is little that we can do until District West makes the approval a priority.

New Business: Three Governing Board seats are up for election this year. A nominating committee headed by Deb Kesse, will begin finding new prospective board members from the congregation at large.

With no further items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. on a motion from Ken Wunsch and a second by Shawn Woolman followed by the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Faith Spark, recording secretary.


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