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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of the July 13th, 2004

President Dave Sengpiel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Shawn Woolman, Deb Kesse, Ken Wunsch, Dave Sengpiel, Lou Grotheer, Laurie Peterson, Doug Pals, Faith Spark and Craig Braget. There were no visitors. Pastor Burcham was unable to attend due to his involvement at the Synodical Convention.

President Dave Sengpiel welcomed old and new members of the Governing Board. Dave Sengpiel read a poem about a rose bud and the will of God with emphasis on trusting in the Lord to lead the way for us like he unfolds a rose bud. He also recited a prayer to the Governing Board. The old members of the board then introduced themselves to the new members, Laurie Peterson and Doug Pals.

President Dave Sengpiel requested that the minutes from the June 8th, 2004 meeting be approved. Deb Kesse made a motion to accept the minutes as read with a second by Craig Braget. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed Senior Pastor Ron Burcham's report to the board. Our expanded Adult Ministry program has been met with much excitement. Children's programs are underway with Rally Day set for August 29th, 2004 and Faith Alive starting September 8th, 2004. The youth Mexico Mission Trip was a great success with sixteen youth and four adults making the trip to San Rafael. It is our hope that the youth programs will continue to grow.

Worship ministry is taking on a new look this fall. The music ministry will have three directors to come on board as part-time employees of Gloria Dei. There will be three adult choirs, an orchestra, adult handbells, a teen choir and a Media Coordinator.

The Parking Lot Project is on track and bids for the roof repairs are still coming in. Pratt Electronics of Des Moines and Electric Company will install the Multi-Media. Marvin Deer has agreed to head up a team to construct a platform for the video equipment where the current usher stand is located. Installation is scheduled for the last week of August.

There are three companies writing proposals for the Outdoor Signage. They are being asked to submit a design for all of the signs along with the cost bid.

The new organ still has a balance of $5555.00 and should be installed the end of August.

The 40 Days of Purpose team is up and running. There will be an informational meeting on July 18th, 2004 in the Family Life Center from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Ice cream sundaes will be served.

DeAnn McCue and Charlotte Nutter are looking into the Pre-School. They are working out organization and legal requirements as well as if it should be a non-profit entity or a part of Gloria Dei's non-profit status.

Business Manager, Charlotte Nutter, submitted the year-end financial report showing a net loss of $27.408 for the year. The staff has done a good job of keeping their expenses down. President Dave Sengpiel requested that the Financial Report be approved. Ken Wunsch made a motion to approve the Financial Report with a second by Faith Spark. Motion carried.

The election of the officers for the 2004 - 2005 Governing Board was held. The results are:
President Deb Kesse
Vice- President Craig Braget
Secretary Laurie Peterson
Treasurer Shawn Woolman

President Dave Sengpiel requested a motion to approve the new officers as voted on. Shawn Woolman made a motion with a second by Laurie Peterson. Motion passed.

There was no Old Business.

The only New Business concerned the rewriting of the constitution, which will be addressed during this fiscal year.

With no further items to discuss, Craig Braget made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Shawn Woolman. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Faith Spark, Recording Secretary.


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