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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

September 9, 2003

President Dave Sengpiel called the meting to order at 6:25 p.m. Those in attendance were: Pastor Burcham, Dave Sengpiel, Lou Grotheer, Norm Rinderknecht, Shawn Woolman, Deb Kesse, Dan Snyder, Ken Wunsch, Craig Braget and Faith Spark. Charlotte Nutter was also in attendance to give her report. There were no visitors.

Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion from Acts, chapter two, about Peter's sermon to the people.

The August minutes were approved on a motion from Shawn Woolman, seconded by Ken Wunsch. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham reported that a congregational letter was sent out highlighting the work God is doing among us. This is being followed up with a Congregational meeting on October 2, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM in the Family Life Center to discuss the Vision and Strategic plan of Gloria Dei.

Pastor Burcham reminded the Governing Board of the retreat that has been scheduled for tonight following the board meeting and Thursday evening, September 11th, to discuss the life cycle of a church, the implications of being a congregation of our size and revisiting the Vision Statement.

Pastor Burcham informed the board the he will be in St Louis on September 22nd for a Task Force Pastoral Leadership Institute meeting.

Dave Sengpiel presented a suggested "Governing Board Update" to be inserted in the Weekly Word to help keep the congregation informed on what is happening within our church. Dave emphasized that this is intended to be a part of the continuing effort to follow through on demonstrating that communication to the congregation by the Governing Board is of the utmost importance.

Craig Braget presented the treasurer's report. It would appear that offerings are starting to increase now that summer vacations are coming to an end and that staff is continuing to keep expenses to the minimum and remain under budget. Norm Rinderknecht made to a motion to accept the treasurer's report with a second by Deb Kesse. Motion carried.

Business Manager, Charlotte Nutter presented her monthly report. No significant variances to report. She advised that new health insurance rates for church employees were expected to be received within the next several weeks. The board will need to review those at its next meeting.

Human Resources subcommittee chair, Deb Kesse reported that the job review for Pastor Burcham will be completed soon.

Policy and Procedures subcommittee chair, Dan Snyder reported he is still working on the role of the Governing Board as it pertains to the strategic plan for Gloria Dei.

Craig Braget reported that the Finance subcommittee has met and is beginning to work on the organizational structure of the Gloria Dei Foundation. He also reported that the subcommittee is reviewing, as a matter of routine, governance procedures relating the handling of financial matters of the church to insure that proper checks and balances are in place.

There was no Old Business.

Craig Braget made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7 PM with a second by Dan Snyder. We closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted
Faith Spark, Recording Secretary

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