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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

November 11, 2003

President Dave Sengpiel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were Dave Sengpiel, Dan Snyder, Deb Kesse, Pastor Burcham, Craig Braget, Ken Wunsch, Shawn Woolman, Faith Spark, Lou Grotheer and Norm Rinderknecht. Charlotte Nutter and Steve Kohtz were present to give their reports.

Lou Grotheer shared with the board about her ChristCare group and their concern for Pastor Burcham during this busy time of year.

The minutes from the last meeting were read. A motion was made by Ken Wunsch and seconded by Shawn Woolman to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

Director of Music, Steve Kohtz, discussed wreath sales for the organ fundraiser. There were 33 wreaths sold. Steve announced that an anonymous donor made a large donation to the organ fund and that we hope to have a new organ ordered by spring 2004. The orchestra for the Christmas Cantata has 32 members of all ages. The children's musical is called The Christmas Soccer Team.

Treasurer, Craig Braget, reported that expenses were down again this month. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by Deb Kesse and seconded by Norm Rinderknecht. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham talked about nominations for Synodical Officers and gave his recommendations for President, Rev. Gerald Kieschnick, and for first Vice President, Rev. Vern Gunderman. Both of these men will serve our synod well. A motion was made by Craig Braget to nominate both of these men. A second was made by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

Gloria Dei will be hosting a one-day conference by Dr. Win Arndt on November 18th about "Reaching the Unchurched." The stewardship emphasis continues with accentuation on God's concern about the "Whole Person".

Pastor Burcham presented the quarterly membership report and announced that we have 43 new members at Gloria Dei. A motion to approve the membership report was made by Deb Kesse and seconded by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

Charlotte Nutter presented a new custom summary report to help board members better understand variances in expenses over the year. Charlotte also reported that two furnaces had to be replaced at a cost of about $5,000.

Craig Braget, as a matter of routine, advised the board that the finance subcommittee has been working with Charlotte on up-dating internal processes and procedures relating to financial activities for the church. More information to follow at future board meetings of any proposed changes.

Dan Snyder proposed an update to the Facilities Policies and Procedures:

Use Policy concerning the nursery. Increase amount charged for nursery staff to $9.00/hour. The current statement is: A nursery charge of $8.00 per hour will be charged if the nursery is used for any event falling into categories 2-6 (minimum of 1 hour charge). The new statement will read: A nursery charge of $9.00 per hour will be charged if the nursery is used for any event falling into categories 2-6 (minimum 1 hour charge).

A motion was made by Dave Sengpiel to approve the change with a second by Craig Braget. Motion carried.

Concerns about the nursery being in the lower level with no windows for occasional viewing thus becoming a safety concern was discussed. The current statement reads: Approval (in writing) from the Children's Ministry Director for use if the Nursery/Playroom is required. Any use of this space must include approved supervision in the room at all times. The New statement would read: Approval (in writing) from the Director of Christian Growth or their appointee for the use of the Nursery/Playroom is required. Any use of this space must include Gloria Dei nursery staff in the room at all times.

A motion was made by Shawn Woolman to approve the new statement with a second by Ken Wunsch. Motion carried.

Human Resources chairman, Deb Kesse, said that the flex plan has been changed from Concordia to Kabel to be more cost effective.

Shawn Woolman informed the board that the Call Committee have received three additional nominations for the committee to consider.

No Old Business to report.

New Business: Governing Board members need to be represented at the Discovery 201 meetings. The next 201meeting is February 8, 2004.

With no further items to discuss the Lord's Prayer was recited and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. with a motion from Norm Rinderknecht seconded by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Faith Spark, Secretary

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