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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

May 13, 2003

Pastor Burcham began the meeting with a devotion and prayer.

President Steve Kammeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Those in attendance were Deb Kesse, Dan Snyder, Faith Spark, Dale Readinger, David Sengpiel, Marilyn Kollmorgen, Norm Rinderknecht and Pastor Burcham. Charlotte Nutter was also in attendance to give her report.

Steve Kammeyer welcomed Brian Ferguson and his father, Mark. Brian presented his Eagle Scout project, which included detailed drawings of his plan, to create a one level stage in the youth room with access steps from the floor of the room. Faith Spark moved to approve the Eagle Scout project and fund $500 of the cost from capital improvements with Brian being responsible for raising any additional costs. Deb Kesse seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Dale Readinger made a motion to approve the April 8, 2003 minutes. David Sengpiel seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Pastor Burcham reviewed the Easter services and expressed his appreciation for all the work of those involved. He reviewed his schedule for June. He will be traveling with his PLI group to Japan from June 2 - 13, 2003. He will be preaching and teaching during their mission trip. He will be attending the District Convention at Camp Okoboji, June 22 - 25.

He made reference to the letter he read to the congregation on Sunday, May 11, 2203 accepting the congregation's call to become Senior Pastor. He said he felt God called him to be Senior Pastor of Gloria Dei and lead this exciting ministry into the future. He thanked the Governing Board for their support and encouragement as he considered his call. He suggested the date of June 1, 2003 be set for his installation. He also said he would be putting together a short term Task Force to determine the total staffing needs beyond another ordained Pastor. This committee will be comprised of representatives from the Governing Board, Elders and Directors and will determine needs for the next one to four years. A call committee will then be assembled when the specific needs are determined, probably in July, to begin the task of looking for an Associate Pastor looking toward being ready to issue a call in late August or early September.

Deb Kesse and David Sengpiel agreed to be the Governing Board representatives on the Task Force to determine staffing needs.

Pastor Burcham presented a proposal from Larry Rix, facilities manager, regarding lawn care and sidewalk snow removal. After a lengthy discussion covering the current coverage and costs, David Sengpiel moved to table the proposal until after the budget discussion.

Business Manager, Charlotte Nutter, gave the treasurer's report. The money coming in from the "building fund" offering envelopes has been sent to pay down the building debt. The expenses from the Easter services are also reflected in the month's report. Deb Kesse made a motion to approve the Treasurer's report. Faith Spark seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Charlotte Nutter reported she has been working with each staff member and volunteer reviewing the expenses in their areas during the past year in preparation for the coming year budget. She also reported leaks in the roof of the 1980 educational wing. Larry Rix procured a bid from a roofer for the leak repair only as well as for repair of the entire roof. Discussion followed. Deb Kesse made a motion that Larry and Charlotte secure two more bids for replacing the entire roof, decide on the provider to use, and get it done. David Sengpiel seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Dan Snyder further clarified the changes to the Employee Handbook presented at last month's meeting regarding paid holidays, personal time off, bereavement and unemployment compensation. Deb Kesse moved that the changes be approved. Dan Snyder seconded the motion. Motion Passed. Charlotte Nutter will explain the changes to the staff.

The Hoyer Scholarship subcommittee, Marilyn Kollmorgen and David Sengpiel, reported hearing from the Hoyer family about their wishes regarding the scholarship. The committee had several additional questions that they will submit to the family for clearer definition of qualification and process for the applicants.

President Kammeyer presented proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of Gloria Dei. These were in response to concerns expressed by President of Iowa District West Rev. Paul Sieveking when he reviewed Gloria Dei's Constitution. After discussion and agreement on changes by the Governing Board, President Kammeyer will convey the changes to President Sieveking for further comment before they are submitted to the congregation. We hope to be able to do this at the annual voters meeting in June, but that will be dependent on the timing of response from President Sieveking.

Pastor Burcham went over the preliminary budget, noting several areas that have not been finalized. He plans to send the budget to the members of the congregation prior to the budget hearing. A decision was made not to buy any lawn equipment this year. We are trying to manage expenses and have also signed a lawn care agreement for the summer already.

A nominating committee consisting of Tom Westby, Merlin Siefken, Dale Readinger, Norm Rinderknecht and Marilyn Kollmorgen was appointed to see that there are candidates to fill the terms of Dale Readinger, Marilyn Kollmorgen and Steve Kammeyer whose terms will expire the first of July.

The following dates were set: Pastor Burcham's installation on June 1, 2003 at 4:00 P.M.; Governing Board meeting on June 10, 2003; Budget hearing on June 15, 2003 at 6:30 P.M.; and the Annual Voters meeting on June 29, 2003 at 6:30 P.M.

The meeting closed at 9:35 P.M. with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Kollmorgen

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