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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

March 11, 2003

President Steve Kammeyer called the meeting to order at 6:21 p.m. Those in attendance were Dale Readinger, Dan Snyder, Faith Spark, Craig Braget, Deb Kesse, David Sengpiel and Pastor Burcham. Steve recognized Steve Kohtz from staff as a visitor in attendance. Steve was there to provide an update to of the activities of the music program and to provide a report from the "organ replacement committee".

Pastor Burcham began the meeting with a Prayer and Devotion.

Dale Readinger made a motion to approve the February 11, 2003 Governing Board minutes. Dave Sengpiel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Steve Kohtz provided an update of the various music programs that are taking place during the Lenten season. Easter Sunday services were discussed, with Steve acknowledging many of the volunteers who are working together to make the Easter services memorable and glorious events.

Steve Kohtz presented the results of the organ committee recommendation of replacing the current organ in the sanctuary. The organ committee reviewed a number of alternatives that were included in the subcommittee's report. The Governing Board complemented the hard efforts of the committee and indicated a desire to review the proposals and recommendation submitted and discuss further at the April Governing Board meeting.

Craig Braget distributed financial statements for month-end and year-to-date. Craig reported he the Congregation was in a healthy cash position. While weekly collections are slightly reduced, expenses incurred by staff are favorably reduced. Norm Rinderknecht made a motion to approve the February Treasurer's Report. Faith Sparks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham began his Executive Pastor's report by praising the outstanding job that Dan Snyder and the Easter service planning committee had been doing. The Governing Board was informed that the Seven Flags Convention Center conceded to renting the facility on the Saturday before Easter, in order to provide more time for set up of the stage and equipment. Pastor Burcham requested names from the Governing Board as to whom they would recommend as a "lay" delegate to the Iowa District Convention. He stressed the importance of having a lay representative at that meeting. Pastor indicated a desire for the board to begin thinking about the 2004 board budget in regards to major expense items that need to be incurred such as new carpeting in certain of the class room areas, parking lot repair and other things. He indicated the need to solicit competitive bids on various projects prior to starting the budget process, so that informed decisions can be made during the budget process based upon projected costs rather then a best guess.

Pastor Burcham, on behalf of the Elder Board, presented the name of Vic Kesse as a candidate to fill the vacant Elder position. Under the terms and conditions of Gloria Dei's constitution, the Board of Governors must approve the nomination of a candidate. Craig Braget moved. Dave Sengpiel seconded the nomination. Motion carried.

Charlotte advised the board that she has become aware of the fact that church employees are exempt from unemployment compensation and indicated that an update will be included in the employee personnel manual and all employees were being advised. Charlotte advised that Kelly Woodward has been hired through Manpower, as a part time desktop publisher who will be working Wednesday through Friday to help publish the Weekly Word and the Sunday Worship folders. She will also be available for other design work for the various ministry programs. Kelly was recruited with an option to be hired as a direct employee after 90 days with no recruitment fee. Kelly has an extensive background in desktop publishing.

Steve Kammeyer indicated that there were no Sub Committee reports.

Old Business. Steve indicated that it was time to begin addressing the outstanding issues in Gloria Dei's Constitution. It was reported by President Sieveking that there were seven (7) areas in the constitution that were identified as needing review. To date, Steve advised that two have already been fixed, as they were oversights, not fundamental issues. The remaining five issues are as follows:

1. Property Rights of the assets of Gloria Dei. In the event of a split or dissolution of the congregation who owns the assets (property, facilities and liquid assets on the balance sheet). L.C.M.S. language states that in the case of a split of the congregation, those who remain in the congregation keep possession of the property. In the event of a liquidation of the assets, any balance goes to the synod.

2. No provision was made for the calling of a pastor. (It was noted that the current call process underway falls within the guidelines of Gloria Dei's old constitution, as well as LCMS language.)

3. No provision was made for the changing of the Bylaws of the congregation.

4. Language reference throughout the constitution is "gender neutral". LCMS requires all plural and gender reference to be in the "male" gender.

5. LCMS language references that all church positions "of title" shall be male only. Gloria Dei's current constitution provides for women to hold "titled" positions on the Board of Governors.

Steve Kammeyer is working President Sieveking's office and Pastor Burcham to gain clarity on how other congregations have resolved the above issues and would like the Board of Governors to have reviewed and approved a revised constitution in time for Gloria Dei's annual voters meeting that is scheduled in June.

Steve Kammeyer discussed the need to finalize the names for candidates to sit on the Gloria Dei Foundation Board. Steve indicated that the board consists of 3 members of the Governing Board and 4 other members, three of which can not be members of the Board of Govenors.

David Sengpiel indicated that the Board has had no reply from the Hoyer family regarding their desires as to how the funds in the Hoyer Family scholarship fund should be distributed. Dave and Marilyn Kollmorgan will follow up with the family.

Deb Kesse presented a request from two families of the congregation that have a desire to undertake Eagle Scout projects on the church grounds. Steve Kammeyer indicated that he would meet with the families to discuss how the Gloria Dei campus could best be served the efforts of their projects.

New Business. A brief discussion took place regarding comments coming to members of the Board of Governors regarding issues relating to the "void" that seems to be happening as a result of the lack of follow through in various programs that fall under the duties of the Director of Adult Ministries. With Heather Schmitz dedicating her time to the supervision of the ChristCare Program, nobody is currently following up on activities such as greeters at the doors before worship service, and some of the adult bible study programs. It was agreed by all members of the board that the Director of Adult Ministries is a position that needs to be filled immediately following the selection of the new Senior Pastor.

Dale Readinger made a motion for adjournment. Deb Kesse seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned with the Lord's Prayer at 8:50 PM.

Pastor's Report


FOR: The March 2003 Governing Board and Board of Elders

Gains by Infant Baptism

Derek Russell Kleve Jakob William Holcomb
Griffin Martin Van Fleet Madeline May Cochran
Emily Nicole Zaugg Anna Kristine Jordan
Claire Abigail Gordon Reid Daniel McMartin
Andrew Ryan Wedemeyer Caleb Martin Corbin
Logan Marie Mitchell Madilyn Amelia Lynch
Ciara Lynn Wheeler Olivia May Oehlert

Gains by Youth Baptism

Thomas Allyn Peter
Anya Elizabeth Peter

Gains by Adult Confirmation

Melissa Anderson
Charlotte McCullough
Stanton Bonta
Ryan Smith
Donna Kielbasa
Dan Wright
Larry and Kathy Lanham

Gains by Transfer

Diane Bonta and Brian Graves
Aaron McCullough
Bobbi Downing
Stephanie Smith
Karina Fiess
Greg and Pat Wolf
Anne Fogarty

Losses by Transfer

James and Rachel Riley
Kevin and Jennifer Ashlin
Jessica Hulen (c) Julianne Anderson (b)
Dewey Murken
Catherine Cook
Herb and Gloria Boehmer
John and Traci Larsen, Tyler (b) Nathan (b) Nolan (b)

Losses by Other (than Lutheran)

Kevin Pevestorf

Losses by Self-Exclusion

Linda Murphy

Losses by Death

Phil Young

Gains for the Period
31 Baptized
15 Communicant

Losses for the Period
17 Baptized
16 Communicant

Net Gain for the Period
14 Baptized
- 1 Communicant

Gains for the Year
31 Baptized
15 Communicant

Losses for the Year
17 Baptized
16 Communicant

Net Gain for the Year to Date
14 Baptized
-1 Communicant

Family Units 891
Baptized Membership 2,099
Communicant Membership 1,580

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