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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

June 10, 2003

President Steve Kammeyer called the meeting to order at 6:28 P.M. Those in attendance were Deb Kesse, Faith Spark, Dale Readinger, David Sengpiel, Marilyn Kollmorgen, Norm Rinderknecht, and Craig Braget. Charlotte Nutter, DeAnn Haas McCue, and Steve Kohtz were also in attendance to give their reports.

Dale Readinger made a motion to approve the May 13, 2003 minutes. David Sengpiel seconded the motion. Motion passed.

DeAnn McCue led the group in prayer. She then highlighted her written report on Children and Family Ministry. The Mothers Day flowers were prepared using sixteen flats of violas. The continuation of this tradition will be evaluated for the future. The summer Sunday school is using a Vacation Bible School format with about 62 students initially involved. The summer camps have nearly 300 enrolled, with many non-members. The $11,000 in salaries for the camps' staff will come from the enrollment fees.

Steve Kohtz reported that the proposed organ would be use in the church through June 15 with a demonstration prior to the budget-hearing meeting. A decision regarding the organ will be decided at the voters' meeting June 29.
Craig Braget, treasurer, discussed the cost of the youth mission trips and will ask Brian Peter for a recommendation to the Governing Board outlining the financial commitment expected from future mission participants. He reported that giving continues to be down and the staff continues to monitor expenses closely. Deb Kesse moved the acceptance of the financial report. Faith Spark seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Charlotte Nutter, business manager, reported on the figures she put in the budget reflecting updated insurance costs and the employee benefit package. As requested and approved by the Governing Board last month, Larry Rix received three bids on estimates to repair the leaks in the 1980 wing, including the restrooms in the new wing. The low bid was Bailey Roofing at $24,245. The cost of replacing a faulty air conditioning unit will be over $2,200 and will be taken from the maintenance area of the budget.

Charlotte suggested the Board follow the IRS regulations regarding Pastor Burcham's housing allowance. This does not change the total amount of Pastor's salary as reported in the budget. Craig Braget moved the following resolution: "Resolved, that Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, as a standing resolution to remain in force and effect until such time as amended or revoked, hereby authorizes and establishes a housing allowance for Rev. Ronald Burcham in the amount of $19,220 per year. The Board of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church affirms that Ronald Burcham is compensated by the church exclusively for services as a minister of the gospel, and that the church does not provide a parsonage for him." The resolution was seconded by David Sengpiel. Motion passed.

It was decided that future Eagle Scout projects should be processed through the Business Manager to facilitate communication and coordination of financial issues.

Charlotte also reported the Reducing the Risk video was shown at the staff retreat in May, followed by the staff making decisions to implement the Child Safety Policy written in 1999. The full implementation of this policy affects the Church insurance policy rates. She also reviewed the changes to the Employee Handbook with all full-time and regular part-time staff. She presented job descriptions for the Administrative Assistant and Desktop Publisher positions for discussion.

The Human Resources committee chair, Deb Kesse, reported that the committee met regarding wages and benefits with suggestions given to Pastor Burcham.

The Hoyer Scholarship criteria have been decided, and the Hoyer family has prepared a flier to be used in the publicity. A short article will appear in The Word.

There has been no response from the District office regarding the Gloria Dei Constitution and By-laws changes sent ten days ago.

Lesli Clark, Marvin Deer, Louise Grotheer, Dean Mohr, Laurie Peterson, James Riddle, and Shawn Woolman have indicated an interest in being on the ballot for membership on the Governing Board. A questionnaire will be sent to all of them asking for information to be included in a short biography, with picture, in The Word for two weeks prior to the Voters' meeting June 29.

At 8:30 P.M., Craig Braget made a motion to close the meeting. David Sengpiel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Kollmorgen
Recording Secretary

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