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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

July 8, 2003

Vice President Deb Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:20 P.M. Those in attendance were Shawn Woolman, Craig Braget, David Sengpiel, Norm Rinderknecht, Ken Wunsch, Faith Spark, and Pastor Ron Burcham. Charlotte Nutter and Steve Kohtz were also in attendance to give their reports.

Pastor Ron Burcham started the meeting with a devotion of Gideon.

The election of officers was held. The new officers for 2003-2004 are:

President - Dave Sengpiel
Vice President - Deb Kesse
Treasurer - Craig Braget
Secretary - Faith Spark

Norm Rinderknecht made a motion to approve the June 10, 2003 minutes. Craig Braget seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Steve Kohtz reported that the campaign slogan for the new organ "Pulling Out All The Stops" has begun with $2950 already donated for the organ. There will be an educational, special events, communication and financial teams to help carry out the fund raising campaign. The cost of the new organ will be $132,000. Steve was excused from the meeting upon completion of his report.

Pastor Burcham reported that he has completed his four-year journey with the Pastor Leadership Institute. Dave Sengpiel is to coordinate with Pastor Burcham and the Board of Elders to present the PLI certificate to him during a Sunday service in September. Other church issues were briefly discussed per Pastor's monthly report. A governing board retreat sometime in the fall was proposed and tabled for further discussion at the August Board Meeting.

Treasurer, Craig Braget, presented the treasurer's report and explained the financial process to the new board members. The weekly giving at Gloria Dei continues to be below budget. However, the staff continues to be doing a great job of keeping expenses down, so the Church's operating income continues to be within expectations. Due to the late receipt of bank statements, it was decided that the board approve the final treasurer report for June, at the regularly scheduled August board meeting.

Charlotte Nutter reported that new members commented on their use of the website as means of getting better connected with the church and our wide range of activities. There were 96,000 hits in June to our web site, with the most popular being the home page.

Human Resources committee chair, Deb Kesse reported there would be a semi-annual review of Pastor Burcham and will send out a form for comments and thoughts within the next week.

Dave Sengpiel received a letter from a Hoyer family member recommending a student dedicated to church work for a scholarship of $500. Scholarship candidate falls within the Hoyer family guidelines and therefore is approved.

The sub committees for 2003 - 2004 are:


Shawn Woolman, Craig Braget,
Ken Wunsch, and Louise Grotheer

Policy and Procedures

Dan Snyder and Faith Spark

Human Resources

Norm Rinderknecht and Deb Kesse

Pastor Burcham reported that the Gloria Dei staff met to discuss the Purpose and Mission of Gloria Dei zeroing in on our "Vision" of:

Relationship Centered
A Beacon to our Community
Courageous in Out Reach
Equipping Centered

Ideas were shared among staff members as to how to keep Gloria Dei's Mission, Value and Vision statements integrated into all of their programs.

A call committee is being put together and a job description is being drawn up for the Associate Pastor position. Faith Spark made a motion, Craig Braget seconded it, and the board subsequently approved that Dave Sengpiel and Shawn Woolman be the representatives from the Governing Board for the call committee.

Pastor Burcham reported that Steve Kammeyer will follow up on the constitution issues with LCMS District West and report back to the board any new information as he finds out about it.

With there being no other business to discuss, it was moved by Shawn Woolman, seconded by Craig Braget and subsequently approved by the board that the meeting be adjourned.

At 9:00 PM, the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Faith Spark
Recording Secretary

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