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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

February 11, 2003

President Steve Kammeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Those in attendance were Faith Spark, Dave Sengpiel, Steve Kammeyer, Craig Braget, Norm Rinderknecht, Dan Snyder, Marilyn Kollmorgen, Pastor Burcham. Heather Schmitz and Brent Handel were present as guests.

Dave Sengpiel moved to approve the January 14, 2003 minutes as corrected. Craig Braget seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Heather Schmitz highlighted her written report. She emphasized that currently over one hundred people are enrolled in ChristCare groups with five groups full and one already divided. February 23 will be the first continuing education for the current leaders.

The Treasurer, Craig Braget, reported the receipts July 2002 through January 2003 were over expenses and also over budget. The expenses were below the budget. The money which will be needed for the call process was not budgeted. Easter expenses are being anticipated. Norm moved the approval of the report, which was seconded by Faith. Motion passed.

Pastor Burcham reported the staff retreat held January 27 and 28 concentrated on planning for the next 12 to 18 months. The plan is to coordinate the ministries with three staff retreat/work days per year and extended staff time once a month. In an effort to move toward a staff led congregation, the staff would like to explore moving from Boards to Ministry Action Teams. These teams would have definitive projects and timelines.

The Lenten schedule for Wednesday nights beginning March 5, 2003 was presented.

The position of Circuit Counselor will be elected in June 2003 at the District Convention. Norm moved we nominate Rev. Mark Schwallenburg. Dave seconded the motion. Motion passed.

A lay delegate from Gloria Dei to the District Convention must be named soon. No one has expressed an interest after an announcement appeared in the Weekly Word. The convention is June 22 - 25, 2003. Board members were asked to check their own schedules and/or talk to other members who might be interested in going with Pastor to represent our church. As soon as there is a candidate, a vote will be taken of the Governing Board by e-mail.

Pastor Burcham enjoyed his last mentor weekend with PLI, but is sorry to see it over because he felt he gained so much from this collegial group. They will be going to Japan June 2-13 for mission work.

Business manager, Charlotte Nutter, reported that a follow-up stewardship had been sent and five pledges were returned in the first day of response. Staff members and lay ministry leaders are receiving budget reports and detailed expense reports each month for their ministry areas. Lori Mullen has been hired as a part-time temp to do the Weekly Word, begin working on the Website and other projects. In January a new record was set for both "hits" (82,986) and "unique" (1,363) visitors to our Website. Some of these were people who don't live in Iowa. We are truely a 24 hour 7 days a week church.

Committee Reports:
Hoyer Scholarship: Dave said there has been no response to the letter sent to the Hoyer family asking for their input on guidelines for the scholarship in Pastor and Mrs. Hoyer's honor. He will make a follow up contact.

The Gloria Dei Foundation: The Foundation Board needs to be reactivated. Steve will initiate that process.

Old Business:
The Call Committee has asked the Governing Board to list the Congregational strengths and weaknesses from their prospective. The directors and pastor have previously been asked to do the same, as has the call committee. From these lists the Call Committee will decide on the final points to be entered on the Congregational Profile to be sent to the District. This discussion was deferred until after new business.

New Business:
Pastor Burcham reported that Charlotte had received a survey of churches our size outlining the average number of staff and found that the average was 11 and ours is 8. The churches slightly larger than Gloria Dei had a staff of 18. He said we are not staffed for growth.

Brent Handel submitted Tim Radig's name for the Governing Board's approval for the Board of Elders. Norm moved the approval, which was seconded by Faith. Motion passed.

Pastor Burcham and Brent were excused for the rest of the meeting so Governing Board could provide input to the Call Committee that they had requested regarding the Governing Board's perception of our Gloria Dei's strengths and weaknesses.

The Board returned to the question the Call Committee had asked. A number of strengths were identified. They were (in no particular order):
1. Current facilities
2. Preaching and teaching
3. Children's ministry
4. Dedicated staff
5. Music
6. Faith based ministry with diversity (ages and longevity of members)
7. Vision and strategic plan
The areas for growth were:
1. Stewardship - time, talent and treasures
2. Facility improvement
3. Congregational care
4. Congregation is in transition - lacks unity

Dave moved the meeting be adjourned. Faith seconded it. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.

Marilyn Kollmorgen
Recording Secretary

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