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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

August 12, 2003

President Dave Sengpiel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were: Pastor Burcham, Dave Sengpiel, Craig Braget, Lou Grotheer, Norm Rinderknecht, Shawn Woolman, Deb Kesse, Dan Snyder. Charlotte Nutter and Heather Schmitz were also in attendance to give their reports.

Pastor opened the meeting with devotion from Mark relating to unconditional love for God and unconditional love for people.

The July minutes were approved on a motion from Norm Rinderknecht, seconded by Craig Braget. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham installed Lou Grotheer, Shawn Woolman and Ken Wunsch (in absentee) as new members of the Governing Board.

Heather reported that 4 new Christ Care leaders would be installed on September 7. Three new groups will be starting. There are currently 11 Christ Care groups. The leadership group has set a goal of recruiting and training 20 new leaders. New training materials are being used that focus on training in a small group environment.

Pastor Burcham and Shawn reported on the progress of the Call Committee.

The board will be having an all-day retreat on September 27 with the goal of clarifying the role of the board and the role of staff in regards to the Strategic Plan.

The membership report reflecting the confirmation class, Discovery 201 and baptisms was approved on a motion from Dan Snyder, seconded by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

Craig Braget reported the final 2002-2003 financial numbers.
Budget Actual
Income $986,375 $931,205
Expenses $986,375 $924,441
$ 6,764

Craig and Charlotte explained the areas where the budget was overspent. These tended to be due to additional staff, additional members, and some unexpected expenses such as insurance increases.

The Year-end financial report was approved on a motion from Norm Rinderknecht, seconded by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

Craig also reported that the mortgage has been refinanced at First American from 6.25% to 5.5% for a $1000 fee. This change will save the church approximately $9000 a year. This action was approved by the board between meetings using a written vote.

The July expenses included replacement of the old sanctuary roof, carpet in the 1980 classroom wing, annual P/L insurance and payout of allocated camp funds. Everything except the roof was anticipated in the budget.

A letter will be sent to the congregation from the Board discussing the programs of the church and our financial situation.

The July financial report was approved on a motion from Dan Snyder, seconded by Deb Kesse. Motion carried.

Charlotte presented a motion to the board intended to document the church's intent for use of church bank accounts. The resolution reads as follows:

Resolved that the President, Vice President, and Treasurer of the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board are authorized to act on behalf of the church in regards to:
· Opening deposit or share account(s) in the name of the church
· Endorsing checks and orders for the payment of money in the normal course of business or otherwise transfer funds on deposit with First American Bank to other church accounts.
· Subject to specific Board approval, borrowing money on behalf and in the name of the church, sign, execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness.
· Entering into a written lease for the purpose of renting, maintaining, accessing and terminating a Safe Deposit Box in the First American Bank.

Resolved that all checks payable to Gloria Dei are for deposit only.

Resolved that the Business Manager of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church is authorized to:
· Access to the Safe Deposit Box
· Discuss all activity in all deposit accounts, investment accounts, and installation obligations, with First American Bank.

Approved on a motion by Norm Rinderknecht, seconded by Shawn Woolman. Motion carried.

It was noted that the Lutheran Church Extension Fund account requires two (2) signatures from the President, Treasurer, and the Senior Pastor.

Charlotte reported that she is screening all staff and will begin screening volunteers in compliance with our Child Safety Policy and our insurance policy. The information being gathered is public domain and is stored in a locked location.

Deb Kesse reported that the HR Subcommittee is working on finalizing the Senior Pastor position description, developing the Associate Pastor's position description and gathering data for the Senior Pastor performance review.

There was no Finance Subcommittee report.

Dan Snyder presented a draft of an outline of the Role of the Governing Board.

There was no Old Business.

Pastor told us about a workshop being held at Willow Creek church outside Chicago. This church worships 10,000-12,000 per weekend. They are focused around small groups. Pastor and Dave Sengpiel will be attending. Other board members may attend as well.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. on a motion by Dan Snyder, seconded by Norm Rinderknecht. We closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Deb Kesse, Vice President

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