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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

April 8, 2003

Vice President Deb Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:25 P.M. Those in attendance were Dan Snyder, Faith Spark, Craig Braget, Dale Readinger, David Sengpiel, Marilyn Kollmorgen and Pastor Burcham. Charlotte Nutter and Brian Peter were also in attendance to give their reports.

Pastor Burcham began the meeting with a devotion and prayer.

David Sengpiel made a motion to approve the March 11, 2003 minutes as corrected. Faith Spark seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Brian Peter highlighted his written report by commenting specifically about the excitement from the participants in the family movie night, which was initiated in March with 71 people from 26 families in attendance. He reported he has been elected as Youth Coordinator for Thrivent.

Craig Braget distributed the financial statements for month-end and year-to-date. He reported we are in a good cash position with income over expenses. Dale Readinger moved the approval of the March Treasurer's Report. Marilyn Kollmorgen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham expressed his appreciation for the initiative and dedication of the Easter Service committee, chaired by Dan Snyder. He reported that Vic Kesse is the lay delegate to the Iowa District Convention with Dan Snyder as the alternate. (Their selection was determined by an e-mail vote of the Governing Board since the deadline needed to be met prior to this meeting.) The budget process has begun with each staff member working with Charlotte, as business manager, to determine increases and reductions needed in their area for the next year. Pastor Burcham said the directors have been evaluating the increasing number of children currently in our programs and found a need for additional classrooms, more storage and office space. A building program will be needed within the next three to five years. In the meantime he explained a proposed modification of space in the old narthex to allow for expansion of the music room, storage and more library space. The Nursery will have to remain in the basement due to restroom facilities, and the conference room in the office area could accommodate more office space for staff. Discussion followed regarding the cost of the modifications, carpet for the Youth Center through the 1980 educational wing, parking lot improvements, and computers. A timeline and cost estimates are needed if these items are to be in the 2003-2004 budget. The organ committee recommendation presented last month by Steve Kohtz was discussed. David Sengpiel moved that a task force be named to present a proposal to the congregation at the annual meeting in June. Faith Spark seconded the motion. Motion carried. Craig Braget agreed to serve with the current organ committee and Pastor Burcham will ask the elders to select a representative to also join the organ committee. Pastor Burcham explained his schedule for confirmation week. He will attend the confirmation rehearsal and party April 30. He will fulfill his PLI responsibility May 1-3 and be back for the confirmation service May 4. He presented a revised Pastor's Report for the month of December 2002. Craig Burget made a motion to approve the Revised December Report. Dave Sengpiel seconded the motion. The motion carried. He presented the March Pastor's report. Dale Readinger made a motion to accept it. Faith Spark seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Pastor Burcham added to DeAnn McCue's report regarding the children's summer camps. There are now 162 registered, eighty percent are not Gloria Dei members.

Charlotte Nutter asked for clarity on the direction for money coming in the" building fund" envelopes. Discussion followed. Marilyn Kollmorgen moved that funds coming from the "building fund" envelopes be used toward principal reduction on current building debt. Dale Readinger seconded the motion. Motion carried. There was also discussion about an "online member directory", Bible studies, and streaming video capacity on the church Website.

The Sub Committee on Policies and Procedures is working with Craig Braget and Charlotte Nutter regarding clarification of paid holidays, personal time off, bereavement and unemployment compensation.

The Human Resources Sub Committee gave Charlotte Nutter, as business manager, the ability to make non-material changes to job descriptions without Board approval.

There has not been a reply from the Hoyer family stating their wishes regarding the specifics of the Hoyer Scholarship. Marilyn Kollmorgen will contact another son, Dex Hoyer before the next Governing Board meeting.

The meeting closed at 8:50 P.M. with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Kollmorgen

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