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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes



 May 8, 2012

Call to Order:  President Mark Kramer called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. In attendance were Casey Fluegge, Kevin Kelley, Jason Hoffman, Wendi Canada, Barb Miles, Marv Rohn, Bruce Amendt, Ann Zimmermann, Mark Kramer, and Pastor Burcham.

Visitor Recognition:  Executive Director, Bill Jesse, was present, as well as Laura Rath as Recording Secretary.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the April 10, 2012 board meeting were accepted by consensus.
  • After discussion, the financial report was accepted by consensus.

Budget Planning:  The Board discussed the proposed budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year presented by Bill Jesse. Jason Hoffman made a motion to recommend the proposed budget to the congregation for approval at the June 10 Annual Meeting, seconded by Ann Zimmermann.  Motion carried.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • Pastor Burcham gave an update on the Fund Drive. A meeting for past and current leaders is scheduled for May 10, followed by the congregational mailing on May 16, and the Family Meeting at the end of worship services on May 19-20. Three informational meetings will be held to give members an opportunity to ask any questions regarding the fund drive.
  • Pastor Burcham noted that the Vision Frame team would meet with Will Mancini, founder of Auxano, and Rev. Jeff Meyer, Navigator, on May 11-12 to continue work on our vision frame.
  • Pastor Burcham recommended the allocation of mission funds to: Shinning City Foundation: China, Honduras Mission Trip, PLI, Iowa Deaf Ministry, and Caspari Center. After discussion, the Board was in favor of the recommendations and agreed by consensus.  

Governing Board Nominations: President Mark Kramer listed the three candidates: Lorrie Graaf for a three-year term, Jason Hoffman for a second three-year term, and Mark Kramer for a second three-year term. Barb Miles motioned to approve the slate of candidates for the 2012-2013 Governing Board, seconded by Casey Fluegge. Motion carried.

Current Action Items:
Policy Manual Update – After discussion, the Board formed a sub-group to write a procedure for Governing Board officer elections to be added to the policy manual. Casey Fluegge, Wendi Canada, and Marv Rohn will serve on the sub-group and report at the June meeting.

Congregational Listening Post – The Board discussed the success of the new Men’s Bible Study meeting on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings.


a. Future Meetings

i. Annual Meeting - June 10, 2012

ii. Discovery 201 – June 10, 2012 (Marv, Casey)

iii. June Governing Board meeting – June 19, 2012 (moved from June 12) (materials due June 13)

iv. June devotion – Jason Hoffman

v. July Governing Board meeting – July 17, 2012 (moved from July 10)

After the Lord’s Prayer, the Board adjourned at 9:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.



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