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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes


 June 19, 2012

Call to Order:  President Mark Kramer called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. In attendance were Casey Fluegge, Kevin Kelley, Jason Hoffman, Wendi Canada, Barb Miles, Marv Rohn, Bruce Amendt, Ann Zimmermann, Mark Kramer, and Pastor Burcham.

Visitor Recognition:  Carole White from Iowa District West and Lorrie Graaf, Governing Board member for 2012-2013, were present, as well as Laura Rath as Recording Secretary.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the May 8, 2012 board meeting were accepted by consensus.
  • After discussion, the financial report was accepted by consensus.

Carole White reviewed the loan information through LCEF before being signed by Board President and Vice President. The congregational loan was improved at the Annual Meeting on June 10, 2012. The loan is for up to, and including $500,000.00, at 4.5% interest, and may be dispersed in increments as needed. The interest rate is fixed for three years, and the loan due date is June 19, 2015.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • Pastor Burcham gave an update on the Fund Drive. As of June 19, 2012, $543,340.00 has been pledged from 196 households.
  • Pastor Burcham noted that the District Convention meets June 24-26, 2012. Mark Kramer and Pastor Tim Phillips are the voting delegates from Gloria Dei. The special convention offering goes toward Laotian and Sudanese missions in the District. Pastor Burcham recommended $2,000 from the Discretionary Missions allocated fund to go to this offering. Kevin Kelley motioned to approve, seconded by Wendi Canada. Motion carried.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on plans for Gloria Dei to work through The Story in weekend worship services beginning Sept. 8-9, 2012. The Story is the best-selling abridged chronological Bible from Zondervan. It tells the story of God from creation to eternity.

Current Action Items:
Board Monthly Meetings – the Board discussed and decided to move the monthly meeting from the second Tuesday evening of each month to the third Tuesday.

Policy Manual Update – Casey Fluegge, Wendi Canada, and Marv Rohn presented the proposed procedure for Governing Board officer elections to be added to the policy manual. The Board discussed a change in the wording. Bruce Amendt motioned to accept the proposed change to the policy manual, with the text change discussed. Ann Zimmermann seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The same subgroup of Casey Fluegge, Wendi Canada, and Marv Rohn will work on a procedure to address resignation of a Board officer to add to the policy manual. They will report back at the July meeting.

Congregational Listening Post – nothing noted to discuss.

Gloria Dei Foundation – Marv Rohn reported that members to the Foundation Board were elected at the June 10 Annual Meeting. They will be meeting on July 5, 2012.


  • Future Meetings
  • July Governing Board meeting - July 17, 2012 (materials due July 12)

The Board went into Executive Session.
After the Lord’s Prayer, the Board adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.

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