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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes



Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board
July 17, 2012

Call to Order:  Vice President Jason Hoffman called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. In attendance were Casey Fluegge, Lorrie Graaf, Jason Hoffman, Wendi Canada, Barb Miles, Marv Rohn, Bruce Amendt, and Pastor Burcham.

Not present: Mark Kramer and Ann Zimmermann.

Visitor Recognition:  Laura Rath was present as Recording Secretary.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the June 19, 2012 board meeting were accepted by consensus.
  • After discussion, the financial report was accepted by consensus.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • The Board reviewed the 2nd quarter Membership Report (April-June 2012). Marv Rohn made a motion to approve, seconded by Bruce Amendt. Motion carried.
  • Pastor Burcham gave an update on the Fund Drive. As of July 17, 2012, $578,968.50 has been pledged. The Board discussed the upcoming Aurora Campus improvement projects.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on possible plans for Wednesday night. The Children’s, Youth, Worship, and Adult Ministry Directors formed and met with a MAT to come up solutions for Wednesday nights, knowing we cannot continue to do what we’ve been doing.

The Directors held two meetings to which parents and musicians that practice on Wednesday evening were invited. Three solutions were offered for comments and suggestions.

    • Split Times
      Pre-school through 5th grade would meet early and then 6th – 12th grade would meet later in the evening. 
    • Different Days
      Pre-school through 5th grade would continue to meet on Wednesday evening and 6th – 12th grade would meet on another night, possibly Sunday evening.
    • Different Locations
      Pre-school – 5th grade would meet on the Aurora Campus and we would lease space close to our current campus for 6th – 12th grade.

Those who attended were divided between Split Times and Different Days. Yet, all of them understood the necessity to do something different than what we have been doing. There was not much discussion on Different Locations since at the time there seemed to be nothing available close to our current campus that we could afford. 

Some who attended the meetings volunteered to be on a MAT to discuss this more. It was decided to approach Urban Heights Covenant Church on Aurora and ask if they were open to us leasing their entire facility on Wednesday evenings. We discovered that they have no programming going on during the times that we need the facility and are very open to entering into an agreement. Their Board will meet on Wednesday, July 18 and make a final decision. We offered to pay them $300 a week for 25 weeks between late August and April, for three years. However, both Gloria Dei and Urban Heights Covenant would review the arrangement each year. At the time of each annual review, either party can break the agreement if it’s not working. Strategic Planning funds could be used for the first fiscal year 2012/2013, after which the lease payments would be worked into the budget for the next fiscal year, as long as the arrangement is working.

Casey Fluegge made a motion to approve the leasing of Urban Heights Covenant Church on Wednesday nights for 6th-12th grade youth, using Strategic Planning funds, pending approval from the Urban Heights Covenant Church Board. Barb Miles seconded the motion. Motion carried.

  • Pastor Burcham noted there has been discussion regarding changing the worship service times on Sunday morning to 8:00 (traditional-Sanctuary), 9:30 (blended-Sanctuary), 9:30 (family casual-FLC), and 11:00 (contemporary-Sanctuary). If the decision is made to change the times, the new times would start the weekend after Labor Day, Sept.8-9, 2012.

Current Action Items:
Policy Manual Update – Casey Fluegge, Wendi Canada, and Marv Rohn presented the proposed procedure to address the resignation of a Board officer to be added to the policy manual. The Board discussed a change in the wording. Wendi Canada motioned to accept the proposed change to the policy manual, with the text change discussed. Barb Miles seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Congregational Listening Post – Marv Rohn noted he has had three members ask him about the “Aurora Campus” terminology used in the Aurora Campus Improvements fund drive. The Board discussed the possibility of having a short article in the Weekly Word to explain the terminology.

Gloria Dei Foundation – Marv Rohn reported that the Foundation Board has met. Doug Pals was elected president of the Foundation.

Board Members’ Service – Jason Hoffman suggested a short piece be printed in the Weekly Word as Board members complete their term(s) on the Board to let the congregation know how long they served and to publicly thank them. Jason will discuss the suggestion with President Mark Kramer.


a. Future Meetings

i. Tentative Governing Board Meeting - July 31, 2012, 6:00 p.m.

ii. Auxano – July 30, 2012

iii.Governing Board Meeting – August 21, 2012 (Materials due Aug. 16)

(Bruce – devotion)
After the Lord’s Prayer, the Board adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.



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