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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes



Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board
February 9, 2010

Pastor Robarge and his MAT presented the Spiritual Life Survey results to the Board in a 2-hour presentation.

Call to Order:  President Laurie Peterson called the meeting to order at 8:33 p.m.
In attendance were Laurie Peterson, Scott Snyder, Marv Rohn, Kevin Kelley, Mark Kramer, Jason Hoffman, Doug Pals, Pastor Ron Burcham, and Lorrie Graaf.

Mark Pierson was not present.

Visitor Recognition: Laura Rath was present as recording secretary.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the January 2010 meeting were accepted by consensus.
  • After brief discussion, the financial report was also accepted by consensus.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • Pastor Burcham reported that he has been asked to serve on the floor committee for structure at the July 2010 Synodical Convention. This floor committee will take the recommendations of the task force for the restructure of Synod and turn them into resolutions for the convention floor. The restructure has been in the works for over four years. The recommendations of the task force are substantial and if approved will have a dramatic effect on how the Synod is organized for ministry. Serving on this floor committee will call for a significant commitment of time. There will be extra meetings in addition to the regularly scheduled floor committee meetings, and requires early arrival at the July Convention.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on the progress of the staffing committee for the Director of Worship. At their February 4 meeting, the committee decided to pursue Steve Kowbel to fill the position.
  • Pastor Burcham suggested that the Board schedule a date for the Annual Meeting in June, noting that June 20 is Father’s Day and June 27 is the Patriotic Concert. The Board scheduled the Annual Meeting for Sunday, June 13, 2010.

Current Action Items:
Policy Manual Changes: Kevin Kelley explained various changes that need to be made to the policy manual in reference to the changes in the appendices that were approved at the January meeting. Doug Pals made a motion to approve appropriate changes to appendices references. Lorrie Graaf seconded. Motion passed.

Church Employee Consulting Policy: Doug Pals motioned to add:
4.3.4 The Senior Pastor shall not allow any consulting by himself or staff that deviates from the Consulting Policy. (Appendix F or G)
Kevin Kelley seconded. Motion passed.

Financial Control Policy: After discussion, Doug Pals said he would take the information to Mark Pierson and Executive Director Bill Jesse. They will report at the March meeting.

Sabbatical Policy/Continuing Education: The Board briefly discussed the information presented by Jason Hoffman and Mark Kramer. Pastor Burcham suggested that sabbaticals should be shorter in length, but more frequent. An update will be given at the March meeting.

Gloria Dei Foundation Report: Marv Rohn reported that he met with Doug Fuller, Executive Director Bill Jesse, and IDW Gift Planning Counselor James Schroeder. The Board discussed the purpose of the Foundation, fund raising, and who can make investment decisions.

Monitoring Affirmation:
Parish Paper: Due to the Spiritual Life Survey presentation and late start of the meeting, the Board decided to discuss in March.

Axiom: Due to the Spiritual Life Survey presentation and late start of the meeting, the Board decided to discuss in March.

Future Actions:
ENDS – Scott Snyder, Mark Kramer, and Jason Hoffman continue to meet to discuss Sections 1.3 and 1.4. They will report at the March meeting.

Congregational Listening Post – No issues were brought up to discuss.


  • Future Meetings
  • i. Discovery 201 Governing Board Attendees
                February 28, 2010 – Scott Snyder, Mark Pierson, and Jason Hoffman
                 May 23, 2010 – Doug Pals, Marv Rohn, Mark Kramer
    ii.  February 19-20, 2010 – Leaders’ Retreat with Jim Galvin
    iii. March 2, 2010 – State of the Church Meeting
    iv. March 9, 2010 – Governing Board meeting (Materials due March 3)
    v.  June 13, 2010 – Annual Meeting
    vi. August 5-6, 2010 – Willow Creek Leadership Summit

After the Lord’s Prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.


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