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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes



December 14, 2010

Scott Snyder offered the opening devotion and prayer.

Call to Order:  President Kevin Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
In attendance were Marv Rohn, Jason Hoffman, Lorrie Graaf, Barb Miles, Kevin Kelley, Casey Fluegge, Mark Kramer, Pamela Henkel, Scott Snyder, and Pastor Burcham.

Visitor Recognition:  Laura Rath was present as recording secretary.

Monitoring Affirmation:
Parish Paper: The Board discussed the December topic: Fifty Years Later: What Has Changed?

Policy Review: The Board reviewed Section 4, Senior Pastor Limitations and discussed changes where necessary. Secretary Jason Hoffman will make the changes for the Board to approve at the January 2011 meeting.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the November 9, 2010 meeting were accepted by consensus.
  • After discussion, the financial report was accepted by consensus.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • Pastor Burcham noted that the new format for the Advent services was proving to be successful and he thought the same format would be done for Lenten 2011 services. However, Holy Week services would not change to this format.
  • Pastor Burcham reported that Town Hall Meetings have been scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 2, 10:00 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 3, 6:30 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 5, 6:30 p.m. The two teams that have been assembled to investigate the possibility of relocating youth ministry off-site and multi-site ministry have begun their work and will report their findings at these meetings.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on the new Elder board. He met with the current four Elders and discussed candidates for the fifth and final position. Their first choice, Mike Martens, accepted the nomination and Pastor Burcham recommended that the Governing Board appoint Mike Martens to a three-year term.
    Mark Kramer made a motion to appoint Mike Martens to a three-year term as the fifth Elder. Pamela Henkel seconded the motion. The motion carried.
  • Pastor Burcham referred to the 2010/2011 Initiatives, in which one of the objectives was:
    • Develop and implement semi-annual gathering of leaders of the congregation.  Current initiatives along with future thoughts will be shared. Reaction, comments, and opinions will be sought from the group.
      Pastor Burcham proposed that the Town Hall meetings in February 2011 and any others that may be scheduled replace this part of the initiative. The Board agreed.
  • Pastor Burcham reported that he would be out of the office on vacation December 25-January 3.

Current Action Items:
Policy Review – The Board reviewed the changes made to Sections 2 and 3 at the November meeting. Pamela Henkel motioned to approve the changes, seconded by Scott Snyder. The motion carried.

Gloria Dei Foundation - Scott Snyder will meet with Pastor Burcham in January.

Congregational Listening Post – Board members did not hear anything to report.

The Board discussed the additions to the Policy Manual regarding types of communication that should be brought to the Board’s attention. Secretary Jason Hoffman will make the changes and e-mail to the Board. The Board will approve via e-mail.


a. Future Meetings

    i. January 11, 2011 Governing Board Meeting (Materials due Jan. 5)

The Board went into Executive Session, after which they adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.


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