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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes



April 14, 2009



Call to Order: President Ken Wunsch called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were Marv Rohn, Doug Pals, Lorrie Graaf, Scott Snyder, Kevin Kelley, Mark Pierson, Ken Wunsch, Shawn Woolman, and Pastor Burcham.
Not present was Laurie Peterson.

Visitor Recognition: Bill Jesse, Executive Director, was present, as well as Laura Rath as recording secretary.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the March 2009 meeting were approved by consensus.
  • The financial report was also approved.
  • Doug Pals motioned to accept the membership report for the first quarter of 2009. Ken Wunsch seconded. After brief discussion, the motion carried.

Monitoring Affirmation:
Parish Paper: The Board briefly discussed the topic of the April issue: “What Do People Want in Their Pastors?”

The Serving Leader: The book review discussion of The Serving Leader, by Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert will continue at the next meeting.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • Pastor Burcham reported on attendance numbers for Holy Week and Easter 2009. There were over 900 people in the building between the two 9 a.m. Easter morning services. The Saturday (Easter Eve) 7 p.m. service did well with 126 in attendance. A big thank you goes to Dan Snyder for all of his behind the scenes Easter coordination.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on his visit to Messiah Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. They have been without a senior pastor for three years, and are transitioning to Policy Based Governance. As part of Gloria Dei’s vision to be an equipping center, Pastor Burcham went as a consultant to help them through the transition. The Board discussed possible parameters in regards to future consulting work. Doug Pals, Lorrie Graaf, and Scott Snyder agreed to serve on a Consultation Committee to explore these parameters.
  • The Board chose the book Axiom, by Bill Hybels, as their next book to work through after completing discussion on The Serving Leader.

Nominating Committee – Doug Pals reported the Nominating Committee is gathering information and has narrowed the list down to five people to be considered to run for the Governing Board. The Committee will have a slate of candidates for the Board at the next meeting.

Succession Plan Committee – Shawn Woolman, Kevin Kelley, and Lorrie Graaf presented the completed Succession Plan. Doug Pals motioned to approve, seconded by Shawn Woolman. All were in favor and the plan was approved. Kevin Kelley will add the Succession Plan to the policy manual as an appendix.

Board Policy Review – The Board changed the month of the Senior Pastor annual review from February to March.

Annual Budget – The budget will be presented to the Board at the May meeting.


  • Future Meetings – May 12 Governing Board Meeting (Materials due May 6)

After the Lord’s Prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.

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