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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes


May 5, 2007 Meeting Minutes


Call to Order

President Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Those in attendance were Pastor Burcham, Shawn Woolman, Ken Wunsch, Doug Pals, Kevin Kelley, Scott Snyder, Lorrie Graaf, Deb Kesse, and Marvin Rohn.

Visitor Recognition

 No visitors were present at the meeting.

Monitoring Affirmation

 Senior Pastor Report

  • An update on the PLI GET training that Pastor Burcham is enrolled in was given.
  • It was reported the Staffing MAT has placed advertisements for the Executive Director position and applications have been submitted. It is anticipated that interviews for the position will be conducted in May.
  • The continued problem with blinding sunlight coming in the upper east windows in the narthex, despite covering them with stain glass, was discussed. A motion was made by Shawn Woolman, with a second by Ken Wunsch, to tint the windows.
  • Pastor Burcham requested the Governing Board to provide input regarding building usage by church staff for activities not specifically related to the ministries activities of Gloria Dei. The consensus of the group was that it would be the decision of the Senior Pastor to approve such usage, and this would be done on a case-by-case basis. A policy will be added to the employee handbook that will address the issue.

Parish Paper

The Board briefly discussed the latest issue of the Parish Paper that focused on effective models of stewardship.

Consent Agenda

The minutes of the April 2007 meeting were approved by consensus.

The financial report was approved by consensus.

Ken Wunsch, chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that current board members, Doug Pals, Laurie Peterson, and Marv Rohn, have consented to have their names placed on the election ballot. He also informed the group that two members of the congregation have been contacted and are currently considering placing their respective names on the ballot. It is anticipated they will make a final decision by the end the week.

Actions .

Doug Pals and Scott Snyder presented the proposed revisions for section 2.1 – 2.5 of the Governing Board policy manual. Due to the in-depth discussion that ensued, members decided to continue the review during the June meeting.

Pastor Burcham presented the proposed church budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Governing Board reviewed and discussed the document. The proposed budget will be published and mailed to the congregation within the next few weeks, as this will provide members with adequate time to review prior to the June 10 budget meeting.


Following the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.



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