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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of Gloria Dei Governing Board Meeting

May 16, 2006

Pastor Ron Burcham read a Devotional from the book of Acts Chapter 1

Pastor Burcham led the group in opening prayer

Board President Deb Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Members present: Doug Pals, Lou Grotheer, Lorrie Graaf, Laurie Peterson, Shawn Woolman, Ken Wunsch, Scott Snyder and Charles Jackson. Also present were Pastor Burcham, and visitors Jim Wollslager and Dick Mueller.

President Kesse recognized Jim Wollslager and Dick Mueller who gave a presentation about “Stained Glass Window Beautification” which discussed the addition of backlighting the large stained glass windows in the Sanctuary.

Pastor Burcham presented the Senior Pastor Report – The board of elders approved the addition of another Sunday service beginning in the fall bringing the total number of weekend services to five. Giving to the church is up 36% over three previous years ending 2005. Worship attendance is up 11% over the same time period. (another 10% increase is projected through the end of 2006 due to the addition of two worship services in 2006). Larry Rix requested to transform the area between the board meeting room and the Family Life Center from an unused open area to a storage room. Funding is available in the facilities portion of the budget and Larry has secured the commitment of help from several volunteers to help. There are concerns regarding city codes about closing the area to create a storage room, Larry will check with the city regarding whether the addition will require a change in code for the facility. Ken Wunsch presented a motion to approve the expenditure contingent upon city approval of the addition. Laurie Peterson seconded the motion and it was approved by the board. Pastor Burcham also presented a request to install sidewalks on the North and East sides of the Family Life Center as long as the Facilities budget is not overspent. Laurie Peterson motioned for approval of the addition of the sidewalks, Scott Snyder seconded the motion, and it was voted on by the board and approved. Pastor Burcham presented the membership report for the month of April. Doug Pals motioned for approval of the report, Lorrie Graaf seconded the motion and the board approved the motion.

Amended minutes from the March 2006 minutes were approved by a motion made by Shawn Woolman, and seconded by Doug Pals. Amended minutes for the April 2006 meeting were voted on and approved due to a motion made by Shawn Woolman and seconded by Scott Snyder .

Doug Pals presented the Financial Report. A motion for approval was made by Shawn Woolman and seconded by Scott Snyder . The motion was voted on and approved by the board.

President Deb Kesse presented the Recommendation from the Strategic Ministry Action Team (SMAT) Ken Wunsch motioned that the board approve the recommendation from the SMAT to conduct further research, and in addition, that the board instruct the SMAT include in their report, research into the steps for planting a church. Also Ken moved that the board instruct the SMAT to present a plan to provide opportunities for continued involvement by the congregation, and also to report back to the Governing Board by the July board meeting a comprehensive communication plan to keep the congregation informed about the process. Doug Pals seconded the motion and the board approved the motion.

Pastor Burcham presented the proposed 2006-2007 budget for Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. The board discussed the budget until 10:45pm when Deb Kesse called for adjournment of the meeting due to the late hour and another meeting to be held on Monday May 22, 2006 to complete approval of the budget and work on other action items as well. The meeting was adjourned.

Monday May 22, 2006 6:30pm Re-convening of the Gloria Dei Lutheran Governing Board meeting. Governing board members attending were Deb Kesse, Shawn Woolman, Scott Snyder , Ken Wunsch, Lou Grotheer, Lorrie Graaf, Laurie Peterson, Charles Jackson and Doug Pals. Also in attendance was Pastor Ron Burcham. Pastor Burcham opened the meeting with a prayer.

Deb Kesse presented the 2006-2007 proposed annual budget for consideration. The Governing Board continued discussion regarding items in the budget.

Ken Wunsch motioned that the Governing Board recommend the proposed 2006-2007 annual budget presented by Pastor Burcham to the congregation for approval at the congregation meeting to be held in June. Scott Snyder seconded the motion. The recommendation for presentation to the congregation was approved by the Governing Board

Next order of business. – The Missouri Synod is taking a collection from all member churches at the 2006 District Convention for support of the two Missouri Synod Seminaries. They ask that each congregation designate a Sunday for a collection to provide funds for the Seminaries. A motion was made by Doug Pals to use $2400 (one dollar for every communicant member of Gloria Dei) from the discretionary mission's budget to enhance the congregation collection. Laurie Peterson seconded the motion and it was passed by the Board.

A proposal for adding lighting to the Sanctuary Stained Glass for nighttime viewing was tabled for discussion until the next board meeting.

Deb Kesse asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, Charles Jackson motioned, Scott Snyder seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Charles Jackson April 6, 2006.

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