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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board

August 8, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Pastor Burcham opened the meeting with prayer.

President Kesse called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. Those in attendance were Shawn Woolman, Ken Wunsch, Scott Snyder, Doug Pals, Kevin Kelley, Lorrie Graaf, Deb Kesse, and Pastor Ron Burcham. One visitor, Marvin Rohn, was also present.

Due to Charles Jackson's out-of -state move and subsequent resignation from the Board, a vacancy has been created. President Kesse reviewed the Gloria Dei by-laws that state a Board vacancy can be filled for the remainder of a fiscal year by appointment.

The first order of business was to fill the Board vacancy. Doug Pals made a motion to appoint Marvin Rohn to fill the vacancy. Kevin Kelly seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Minutes from the June 15, June 29, and July 27 Strategic Planning Ministry Action Team (MAT) meetings were briefly discussed. Activities and progress to-date of the MAT subgroups - Communication, Current and Future Ministries, Plant a Church, Facilities and Future Site - were highlighted.

Lead Gloria Dei was then discussed. First offered January and February 2006, it is a multi-session initiative designed to help prepare church members for leadership roles. The Board decided to offer Lead Gloria Dei again this fall; possibly in October. Shawn Woolman volunteered to lead the session related to policy-based governance and Ken Wunsch offered to present the demographics session. Other session topic areas will be finalized and volunteers recruited during future Board meetings.

The Board reviewed the Senior Pastor's Report dated August 8, 2006. The following items were discussed:

•  Circuit Forum – National Convention : As background information, prior to selecting a representative to the September 10 Des Moines Circuit meeting, Pastor Burcham reviewed the structure of the Missouri Synod (i.e. Synod ® District ® Circuit). The purpose of the circuit meeting, held every three years, will be to elect one lay delegate and one pastoral delegate to attend the 2007 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS ) national convention.. Every church in the circuit has the opportunity to nominate a member for the lay delegate ballot. After discussion, Doug Pals motioned that Shawn Woolman serve as the Gloria Dei representative to the circuit meeting and that his name be placed on the ballot. Scott Snyder seconded the motion. The motion was carried. It was also noted every clergyman in the circuit will be placed on the ballot, unless specific request to withdraw is made. Pastor Burcham, having served as a clergy delegate to the 2004 LCMS convention, expressed interest in attending the 2007 convention.

•  Staffing: Two new staff members have been employed. Laura Rath has been hired as an administrative assistant and Brandon Simpson has filled the position of Building Supervisor.

•  Staff Retreat: - Staff will attend a retreat scheduled for August 28. The focus of the meeting will be C.O.R.E. ( C onviction, O utside the box thinking, R elationships, and E xcellence).

•  New Sunday Schedule – The Board reviewed the new schedule for worship services and education that will begin on September 10.

•  Leadership Summit – Pastor Burcham will attend a Leadership Summit in the Chicago area August 9 – 12.

•  Membership Report – The Board briefly reviewed the membership report.

By consensus, the Board accepted the pastor's report and membership report as written.

By consensus, the Board accepted the minutes of the July 18 meeting as written.

Treasurer Doug Pals presented the financial report. Following a short discussion, the Board accepted by consensus the report, as presented.

Following the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

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