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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes

Minutes of the September 13, 2005

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board

Prior to the board meeting David Van Ahn presented a report from the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Foundation. He discussed how the Foundation was informing members of the Church of the activities the Foundation is involved in through dinner meetings and open houses. On Sunday September 4, 2005 the Foundation had an information table set up in the Library during services. A brochure covering Estate Planning including gifting to the church and some of the Foundation projects planned for the future is available.

The Foundation brochure will be reworked in the near future to further clarify some of these projects and other activities of the foundation. David reported a 7/31/205 balance in the foundation money market account of approx. $ 29,000 and a checking account balance of $ 45,673.

Efforts are underway to develop a Plan of Action and Marketing Plan for the foundation. The new brochure is scheduled to be mailed to the entire congregation. David is looking to add three new members to the Foundation Board and is also interested in securing a part time secretary.

At 6:28 President Deb Kesse called the Governing Board meeting to order. Board members in attendance were Debra Kesse, Shawn Woolman, Charles Jackson, Lou Grotheer, Lorrie Graaf, Scott Snyder and Laurie Peterson.

The first order of business was a “Predictive Index” (PI) presentation by Jackie Van Ahn. This coordinated with a PI survey that members of the Governing Board individually took over the last two months. This informative presentation identified and explained the strengths of each individual based upon four predictive parameters. The PI quickly identifies the tasks and roles best suited for individuals and helps develop understanding and synergy between team members.

Pastor Burcham presented the Senior Pastor Report next.

Worship attendance last Sunday (September 11) was 947.

The Ablaze campaign is coming along slowly with small groups meeting to continue develop the marketing plan and study materials. Strategic Planning will commence this weekend with the “Pursuing the Vision” workshop for the Governing Board.

In relation to this, the church was approached by a realtor for the property at 4305 86 th St explaining that this house, lot and adjacent lot will be on the open market soon. Pastor Burcham met with Urbandale zoning a couple of years ago regarding expansion and was informed that these two properties (along with other properties between the church and this property) would allow Gloria Dei to have parking along 86 th St. and have an entrance on 86 th at the corner of Aurora going West from 86 th . This property could be rezoned “Church” easily. Potential uses were discussed and Deb Kesse asked that the discussion be worked into the Strategic Planning. The board agreed.

The next order of business was a presentation by Steve Kohtz of the Stained Glass Window project planned for the triangle window in the Narthex opposite the Sanctuary. This project would insert stained glass into the 36 panes of the window with a design by Steve Kohtz. The project would require the skills of over 20 trained volunteers who would create the individual panes. Using this volunteer labor under the volunteered guidance of Mike Kilpatrick (glass master), the only cost to the church would be materials. The projected materials cost would be about $ 6000.00. If this was professionally created and installed, the cost would be approx. $ 45,000. Shawn moved approval of the project, Laurie Peterson seconded. During discussion Lorrie Graaf asked if the timing was proper considering all of the other “issues” facing the congregation, i.e.; Hurricane Katrina mission, Missions to China . Steve told the board that this money would be raised by individuals making memorial donations in the name of individuals and other donations that had already been promised in addition to other missions.

The vote on acceptance of this project was unanimous.

The Gloria Dei Bookstore was the next topic of discussion. Steve Kohtz presented this proposal. Based upon this proposal the existing Governing Board room will be converted to the “ The Tool Shoppe books and gifts” and will feature Gloria Dei wear and gifts, Sermon series, Christian Books, Christian Music and other gifts for Christian weddings, confirmation, baptism, holidays and other gifts for the Christian home. Statistics show that people prefer to shop at a church book store than a traditional Christian book store. Wellspring Books has offered to partner with Gloria Dei and will provide books on consignment for 2-3 months. If the books have not sold, they are simply returned. This book store will not affect the tax exempt status of the church.

A request was made for $ 5000 start up funding for the book store. This will be a loan from the church which will be repaid by profits. When the loan is repaid, profits will benefit other programs of the church. Funds will be taken out of “reserves” of the church. Infrastructure is already purchased. Displays, tables and other fixtures were purchased from Yonkers when they closed. All infrastructures necessary were purchased for $625. A business computer will be donated; Credit Card and Gift Cards will be accepted. Scott Snyder made a motion for approval of the $ 5000 expenditure/loan from budget reserves, Shawn Woolman seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Some members needed to leave early, leaving the board without a quorum. President Deb Kesse recommended that we defer Action Items and approving the Financials to the October Governing Board meeting. Deb recommended that the minutes be approved at the “Pursing the Vision” workshop. The meeting was adjourned.

Saturday September 17 th - Continuation of the Governing Board meeting. Members present: Deb Kesse, Shawn Woolman, Charles Jackson, Doug Pals, Ken Wunsch, Lorrie Graaf, Lou Grotheer, Laurie Peterson, and Scott Snyder.

President Deb Kesse called the Board meeting to order and asked for a motion to accept minutes for the August 9 th Governing Board meeting. Scott Snyder motioned for acceptance of the minutes; the motion was seconded by Charles Jackson. The motion was passed by a unanimous vote. A motion for adjournment of the board meeting was made by Shawn Woolman, seconded by Doug Pals and passed by the board.

Submitted October 5, 2005

Charles Jackson

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