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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322
  Week 3 - Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh

Week 3

Reading Assignment

Chapter Three
Joseph: From Slave to...

Detail of scripture Genesis 45:1-8 (TS: pg. 39), Romans 8:18-25, 28


Extra Resources

Scripture References
Here is a Scripture reference guide which will parallel to your Bible. Scripture reference.

Take a few minutes to read each of the perspectives; Their insights will add to your understanding of the chapter. Read now.

The Story blog
Coat of many colors Joseph.

That’s how I grew up knowing him. Scripture introduces us to Joseph when he is 17 years old, and he is clearly his father’s favorite child…as evidenced by the beautiful robe given to him... read more

Chapter Three - Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh


We pray these resources help us all grow in our understanding of the greatness of our God. If there is anything else you need, please e-mail Pastor Robarge.

Family discussions
Reflect on each chapter by intentionally setting aside time to discuss the message as well as the Biblical characters and events with your family. Week Three discussion guide.

Small group studies
Go a bit deeper by enjoying a small group study. These studies are conducive to foster relationships, discuss each week’s message and to discover relevant ways to apply these truths in everyday life. 

Groups will meet at church on Wednesday evenings from 6-7
Sunday mornings from 9:15-10 and 10:45-11:30

If interested, e-mail Pastor Robarge today.

Online book study
Take time to dive into this study that occurs 24/7 online. So, whether you are in your office attire or in your pajamas, you can access the online study that will incorporate questions, discussion posts and other written, video and audio resources.Click here on Friday afternoon for current online Bible Study.

To help you stay current, you will receive an e-mail of the most recent post. Sign up today.





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New Worship Schedule Begins Sept. 8 and 9!

Saturday Evenings
Family Life Center
5:30 p.m. Northwind Contemporary

Sunday Mornings
8:00 Traditional
9:30 Traditional Blend
11:00 Contemporary

Family Life Center
10:00 Contemporary

Educational Times
For specific times and information, check out:
Children education
Youth education
Adult education

Online calendar


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